the boy king's doublespeak, "rove"ing target and other random thoughts...
"whatever we do must be in concert with what happens internationally." the boy king has decided that international cooperation is needed and that the united states cannot act unless it is in accordance with international actions. at least that is what he telling us when it comes to poisoning the environment and killing your children and the planet they will try to live on (family values people...keep up). apparently doing something that will positively effect the whole of the public health and the whole of the american economy (not just that of the richest of the richest) is not worth acting in concert with international opinion. because remember when we had an agreement to protect the environment with the internationally community? boy king got rid of it. and remember when we had an agreement to limit nuclear proliferation? boy king got rid of it. so here is the new white house motto...if it will kill some poor people and make our "texan" connecticut-ites rich, then lets ignore "what happens internationally."
oh...and by the way boy...china is leading us in developing more efficient energy. thought you might like to know.
karl rove was accosted by some patriots the other night. seems he was unable to convince his driver to run over some young people while his car was pelted with assorted objects. maybe its time you got off your bulging ass and worked on your wind sprints mr. may need speed sometime soon.
another day of stories about who is making enough money to be president and who is lagging behind in sucking up to the wealthiest elite that are fucking you over...more proof that anyone who can win a presidential election these days should be banned from ever holding that office.
the boy king is blaming congress (the most representative body of the country...which isn't saying much) for "undercutting the troops." apparently appropriating money (constitutionally might I add) to get them back to their family is "undercutting"...which I guess in bushspeak is not as bad as simply "cutting" in amputating.
nancy pelosi went over to the middle east to meet with some leaders over there and the republicans are in a hizzy over it. seeing as how pelosi is 2nd in line to the presidency should the boy king not be escorted to nebraska quickly enough next time around and cheney is already a walking corpse...I can see why they are pissed off. they made it pretty clear when they elected this fool that they are not interested in anyone walking into the white house with anything even remotely near a firm grasp on foreign relations...hollow belligerent posturing is much more their style.
the religious right must be hating itself at the moment...of all leaders, Hugo Chavez has positioned himself as a champion of morality in shutting down booze sales. for a people that declared "war" on drugs, I expect to see lots of "values" voters finding their way down to venezuela.
the fbi is so good at its job it located a medal of honor that disappeared from the white house awhile back...on ebay. good thing your "homeland" is so well protected.
anybody see "house" last night...besides realizing one of the wannabe houses was a classmate of mine, I realized the whole show was a subtle knock from the faith-based pyschobabble proclaring that as soon as a sperm is released, a soul is born.
the government tells you that drugs are bad and spends billions of your dollars to keep them out of the hands of children (and then transfers a few more billion of your dollars to corporations in charge of locking up your children)...and then turns around and has school board's tell you that if your kid doesn't take mind altering substances to keep them from getting bored while not being left behind they will be sent away.
your "family values" leaders care so much about your children that it took a private grant of $500 million to get serious about addressing childhood of the greatest risks to the public health this country knows. but that's the republican candidate for governor here in NM (and I don't mean is easy to confuse the conservative "liberal" with a republican) said "health is like food and shelter. and we shouldn't guarantee anyone food and shelter."
we are running out of water here in the southwest. the answer, of course, is to find more. not to use less. not even if using less is in conjuction with finding more. its like oil that way. and won't it be grand when we are paying 3 bucks a gallon for water even though it is subsidized and belongs to us in the first place and is being sold back to us from companies that stole it from us?
ignore everything he stood for...ignore his teachings...kill in his name as often as possible...just don't ever make his likeness out of chocolate. because that would piss jesus off.
the stock market is "recovering"...which I am sure is great news for all of you that can't afford your mortgage this month. 25 years later we're still waiting for some of that to trickle down.
some grade school kids were charged with felonies for having sex. your tax dollars at work.
somewhere in this country a law enforcement officer is perjuring himself at this very moment.
is anyone else horrified that the government of Iran did what our government would never do...let some folks go as an act of good will.
if you held a memorial once a day for an american killed in Iraq thanks to the policies of the boy king and his infantile advisors...11 years from now you'd be getting close to finishing the project.
the big guns are coming out...
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