conservative attacks on children, stifling the black vote, and money buying "democracy"...
the conservative elite - the same conservative elite that waxes (sometimes poetically...mostly inanely) about "family values" and how two men marrying each other and having a lasting, committed relationship will endanger our children - are again doing everything they can to support Big Business over your children. but this point, are you even mildly surprised? this time it is making sure that government sponsored health care programs are not extended to more children...because god forbid more children have guaranteed access to health care. I mean, the last thing we would ever want would be healthy children (especially now that the boy king has been slapped around by the highest court in the land and told the law actually means what it says and the EPA actually can be ordered by congress to regulate greenhouse prepare for a veto that will allow your children to be physically poisoned further, as long as they aren't "spiritually" poisoned by the gays). the excuse this time around? some of those kids come from families that have money (well...they would have money, if you ignore the fact that middle class wages have stagnated for quite some time now while taxes on all but the richest have become more and more burdensome - me, this year I paid 25%...guess I don't make enough money to qualify for "relief"). what that statement actually means though is that Big Insurance stands to lose a little bit of money at the expense of healthy children. and everyone that has been paying attention to the boy king and his rasputins understands that money in the pocket of Big Insurance is much more important to the nation than healthy children.
and speaking of healthy children...that genius bloomberg has unilaterally decided that kids dying during baseball games is a small price to pay for all the money Big Business makes on aluminum bats in NYC. citing a "lack of scientific evidence" which is much like the "lack of evidence" that global warming is happening and is being helped along by our idiotic distaste for healthy environments (and children) he will shoot down the council's effort at banning aluminum bats within the city's leagues. one has to wonder what the hell he has to gain from this? personally, I have my money on campaign contributions from louisville slugger. and yes, the main spokesman against the ban...sports equipment manufacturers.
the republicans have been using bans on felony voters to stop blacks from voting. I said it, you know its true...don't act shocked or indignant. in Florida alone they have been using faux-felony convictions to stop legitimate black voters from casting their ballots (i.e. non-felons). not that the national media would let you know...because the headline story needs to be something warm and fuzzy to go with the vaseline on the lense, not the truth or some serious reporting that might make you an informed citizenry (because that might cause some problems for those that have bought your democracy). the governor is now suggesting felons be allowed to vote once they have served their time (jeb was very much against this...if you are wondering why, see above reference to republican election fixing tactics). and I am telling you here and now that anyone who comes out against this measure is suspect...because it is taking away one very effective tool at fixing elections - and neither party wants that practice to stop, mainly because...
they are too busy swimming in pools full of cash given them by "contributors" (a sly term which refers to the monied elite that don't give a rats ass about you or the nation but have used perpetual war footing to form an elite class of war profiteers that now basically have their hands in everything...and what is more american than that?). the big story in the race for the presidency in two years - ah yes...the perpetual campaign to go along with the perpetual war, democracy degraded - who is leading in the money primary and how they are raising so much. it isn't about who has integrity, who is intelligent, who is honest (because that is no longer a quality suitable for the occupant of the white house), who can form a sentence with words that actually exist (again, no longer necessary) is who "supports the troops" by gathering tons of money from rich people that then gets handed back to them (along with a bunch of your taxes...because you don't make enough to get "relief"). and this is the state of our nation today...the best democracy money can buy.
sometimes a pony gets depressed...
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