Just some kid from the Chicago suburbs that moved to the southwest, went to law school, and ended up confronted with shifting ideals. My thoughts...boring and unedited.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

the police state expands, be like israel, ending the dream, and grieving families...

a high school kid in illinois was asked to write a stream of consciousness journal for his creative writing class...just start writing. well, he wrote some pretty terrible shit...he wrote about killing everyone and some little necrophylic fantasies afterwards. he wrote about the possibility that the teacher would inspire the first shooting at his high school. and he was arrested for it. I know this is going to be a very unpopular stance, especially since 32 were recently gunned down at virginia tech (which we mourned oh so fully while ignoring the news that another 50 had been killed in iraq - pretty standard one day total there these days)...but arresting this kid for what he wrote in a journal as stream of consciousness is a frightening prospect. I know, I know...this is where all those that would give up invaluable liberty for the comfort of false security tell me "what if he carried out those threats"...to which I say this, he didn't. this kid has been arrested and charged with a crime for his thoughts. think about that for a minute. think about how many times you have thought about committing a criminal act. now imagine you were arrested for that. this long ago got out of control...apparently liberty and freedom don't mean anything in this country anymore. again...I welcome you to the largest police state the world has ever seen.

never thought I would say this...but this country could take a lesson from israel. a government commission chastised that nation's leader for rushing to war against lebanon last summer without so much as a plan on how exactly to pull it off, and finish it off. sound familiar? in israel, one of the most militaristic nations in the world, they at least admit their leader was a fool for going to war without a real plan. in this country, also one of the most militaristic nations in the world...we re-elect people for such boneheaded endeavors. woot.

remember when you were a child and they liked to tell you about the "american dream" and the rags to riches possibilities of alger. remember when you were a child and you were told to celebrate the heritage of this nation, and the opportunity it offered to people all over the world. well...throw that out the window. instead we have a nation hell-bent on destroying families and getting rid of brown-skinned-english-as-a-second-language-speaking-hard-working- climbing-the-ladder-better-life-for-their-kids people. why? they don't have a piece of paper that says "we, the old white men running this place, approve of your presence" (nevermind that these days just about the only way for a brown person to get that paper is to ship themselves out to die shooting at other brown folks while the old white men sit in their tower and laugh). so we have young children without mothers and/or fathers. we have families that came here for a better life for their children...only to find themselves in the federal holding tank. we have hard working people earning a living (well...not a living, but trying). and these are the ones we are deporting. and they will tell you it is because so many of these folks are involved in such despicable behavior as selling marijuana. nevermind that they are now raiding places where people are working legitimate jobs. funny...they never seem to catch the big drug dealing illegals...only the living in a shack, working their ass off to make it illegals. don't know about you, but I feel much safer knowing the guy working a shit job for sub-human wages is being sent back home...at least I can still get my drugs. don't be worried about people coming to this country...be worried when they stop.

yesterday and today I got a reminder of what the boy king's actions have really meant. a man, his wife and daughter-in-law are on their way to germany at this very moment in the hopes of catching their son and husband before he passes. an attack in the green zone left him with head trauma and in critical condition...then grave condition. I hate to even think it, but I doubt they will make it in time. and all for the boy king's bullshit attempt at subverting the middle east...something that history has taught us is a really, really bad idea. so now another family will grieve...another family will join the over 4,000 other american families mourning the loss of their loved ones.

fuck what you heard...you were lied to.


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