you're the one for me, fatty...
so much is happening in the world...and I can't seem to get worked up about any of it anymore...
seems the GOP is admitting that sarah palin was totally unqualified to be vice president...she dropped out of a scheduled interview with univision last fall because she did not have the slightest clue about "issues regarding hispanics and latin america." that says about all you need to know about the modern manifestation of the GOP - it doesn't know a damn thing about issues important to a substantial chunk of the public...particularly if that chunk happens to have the audacity to be born unwhite...
lou dobbs is hinting at a presidential run. the xenophobic know-nothings are reborn...
and how much fun would a palin-dobbs debate be? "its all the mexicans' fault!" - "what's a mexican? I think I skinned one of them in a folksy manner."
a young man in a car accident spent the next 23 years trapped - unable to move, unable to respond, unable to speak. unfortunately, he was not unable to hear, think or feel. think about that for a moment...23 years of being totally aware of your surroundings but being unable to do a single task that involves any physical action on your part. this will unevitably be latched onto by the frightening save terri crowd...but what kind of life are we condemning people to?
the RNC got busted offering its employees a health plan that covered abortions. thats how much the GOP actually cares about your conservative "culture" issues...
not that the DNC is much better. thanks to bill clinton and his ilk the democratic party prefers finance to manufacturing and the DOW to employment...and no, the current administration is not exempt...
combine the two and you have to wonder if you and I ever really stand a chance...
scientists made protons knock boots finally. as of yet, a black hole has not developed over europe. damn.
good morning america dropped adam lambert from its show. apparently they feel unemployed old people won't like simulated gay sex...
a grand jury in albuquerque recently returned a no bill in a case involving a cop that gunned down a young kid armed with a cell phone. (APD sure does have a knack as of late for killing people that aren't armed). somehow I'm thinking if he hadn't been wearing blue he'd be looking at a life sentence...
not that APD would ever be involved in anything questionable. the only reason they have a policy instructing their officers not to put anything in writing relating to police misconduct is to protect the reporting officer. requiring an oral report to superiors that can then determine all actions were justified is completely legitimate. if you have any doubts, just look at how many internal investigations show that the reporting officer was a fibbing. just ignore this blue curtain...
and no, I am not kidding. APD has an established, well-known policy of not reporting illegal conduct of its own. ain't freedom grand?
a judge in northern new mexico recently placed an entire courtroom in contempt. 32 people were sent to jail, the only ones that avoided handcuffs were those with serious medical conditions. their mistake? caring about a loved one.
finally, both the right and the left are awakening to the fact that they are on the same side when it comes to the perverse criminalization of just about anything and everything. somehow in "freedom loving" america it became acceptable for everything to be punishable by prison time (although the multi-billion dollar private prison industry was very grateful for the boost). while I am a little disgusted that it did not occur to many of these people that the criminal justice system was entirely out of control until it cost them a bit of money, happy to finally have some support from those that claim to be freedom's most staunch defenders...
which is particularly pertinent in new mexico now, where a disabled vet recently got convicted of DWI because he tried to sleep it off and a cop knocked on the window. that's in new mexico we have gotten so insane about fighting DWI without ever looking at the underlying causes of it (because it is always easier to just increasingly criminalize this stuff than to legitimately deal with it) that we pop people for DWI when they do the right thing and don't drive. sleep in your car in the parking lot so you don't risk the lives of everyone on the road? you're going down. message to the public? you might as well try to make it home...because you know someone will call the cops on you if you're sleeping in a parking lot. absolutely brilliant use of law.
and so I leave you again, content in the knowledge the world I know continues to slide into oblivion...
you're the one for me, fatty...