what we really learned from 9/11...
now that it is six years since the greatest act of mass murder on american soil (although texas is doing its damnedest to have a mass execution that could top it) and we are all busy pretending we haven't just gone about our consumeristic bullshit lives the same as we were beforehand...let's look at what we have really learned from 9/11 and its aftermath...
if you are just present at some things it apparently qualifies you as a great leader...all evidence to the contrary aside...see a certain republican candidate for president that used to be a completely useless mayor before he happened to be present six years ago...
after having been kicked in the nuts, it appears americans would rather have a brawling, incoherent fool claim to "have their back" than an intelligent, tough, thoughtful and cunning leader...
manipulating thousands of murders for political gain can keep you in the white house if you are lucky enough to get there in the first place...
death is big business...
war is big business...
hundreds of billions of dollars is not enough to "avenge" ourselves...but it is way too much to educate ourselves...
no politician worth their party's nomination is below pandering to militarism...evidenced by an email I received from obama today telling me how dangerous the world was and how al queda was lurking everywhere and gathering steam...
when someone slaps you across the face to get your attention, it is best not to ask why...just cut off their daughter's arms...
the united states does not torture...except when it does...and if you say we can't, you must love bin laden in an unnatural way...
the united states government can build the a-bomb within a few years...it can't renovate a hole in the ground in six...
when the world dislikes overreaching, imperialistic, militaristic ventures...the best response is to blow up part of it...
you may be worthy of giving your life to your "country"...but that doesn't mean you are worthy of recognition upon return...
our way of life must be protected to the death...and by "way of life" we of course mean buying useless shit we can't afford and don't need...because things like freedom of speech, expression, religion, civil rights, etc. just get in the way...
democrat, republican...there's really no difference is there?
scare people enough, and they will think pat buchanan's heir seems logical...
the free market should govern...except when it isn't advantageous to major campaign contributors...
if we ask you to go to war for no good reason and you actually listen...be prepared to recuperate from your amputations surrounded by mold...
paris hilton is important...
if you've served in the military and don't want to see soldier's die unnecessarily you are a pansy...if you never served but can puff your chest really big and stand behind someone with a gun pointing over his shoulder while he dies, you are presidential material...
it is un-american and immoral to not have anyone in your family with "kill foreigners" in the job description if it isn't at least in your's...
god is on america's side...
repressing sexuality will really help you climb the ranks of the GOP...and eventually blow up in your face...
there is no hypocrisy in waging war to save liberty while asking that the constitution be amended to deny civil rights...
nuclear proliferation cannot be tolerated...except when it can...
regardless of how the founding fathers felt about a standing military in a democratic country...it is entirely un-american and immoral to question militarism in this country...
when all else fails...show them your dick is bigger...even if he is worse with a shotgun...
some people will try to make money off of anything...and they run the country...
we are all, as they say, royally fucked...
take a look at me now...