kaboom: a mind dump...
the gays are excited in england what with marriage and all. elton john is getting hitched...i'm waiting for the world to end...or at least for family life in england to plummet and the countryside become full of rampant, godless homesexuality. 20 bucks says it doesn't happen...
the afghanis learned quickly...and well. corruption and a failure to get work done. welcome to western civilization folks.
so did the iraqis...questionable election results...fake ballots crossing the border. now you're getting the hang of it...
sometimes i wish that all the people that have it out for criminal defense attorneys would be forced to go without one when the five oh comes to their door. you want to know how i can do this and sleep at night? very easily...every day i protect someone's rights and do my part to ensure that the government stays as honest as possible...nobody's friend until they get caught drinking and driving or any of the other illegal things everyone inevitably does, suddenly they don't want to stop talking to you. people make mistakes...
someone i know recently started some missionary-type support work at the local juvenile detention center after getting some knowledge of the kids inside. kudos to him...when most of society writes these kids off and condemns them to a life bouncing between broken, unsupportive homes, prison and the street, he is trying to give them some hope and guidance. regardless of what you think of religion...it can still do good.
president bush ok'd wiretaps without using the secretive court that usually approves such sneaky things. anyone really think this is the first administration to do it? or just the first to come clean with it? a judge on the court quit because of it...apparently was worried it would tarnish the reputation of the court...cuz that secretive, never open, always granting court had a great reputation.
my vindictive side has surfaced...finding my inner-asshole. wonderful.
the damn sun won't go away, the snow won't come. who would've thought that so much sunshine and warm weather could make a person so miserable. although i suppose i shouldn't blame it all on locale...but this town is pressing too hard.
wishing my building was taller today...but i'm only on the second floor.
i still don't find it easy...to all my friends i love...goodbye
where ya going?
12:53 AM
away from the things of man
1:44 PM
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