can't hardly wait: more random thoughts...
i love martin what if he is trying to bring back the days of political what if he does this dirty...what politician doesn't? his next big thing on the agenda (after some real public transit) is making albuquerque a no-kill city. in an effort to stop the needless slaughter of 16,000 animals a year in city shelters because some assholes won't spay or nueter their pets...mayor marty is proposing making it law. not only will he make it law that you must fix your pets...but he wants to send a bus around to do it for free if you can't afford it. yes he's a crook...but he's our crook.
for all those bill clinton lovers out there (especially those so fond of "it's the economy stupid") should grab some of kevin phillips books (namely wealth and democracy). if you haven't figured it out by now...those eight years really didnt help any of us (unless you count the very know the ones that everyone is so angry with gw about helping...yeah, well, every president of the last three decades has). it's kind of interesting to watch from the inside as the world's great economic superpower desperately clings to it's pedestal as it crumbles away. i'm making a 2016 a third party will be a serious player on the national scene...or should i say a second party...
are you ready for a shock? the president authorized the nsa to spy on folks inside the country without using the court's...wiretaps and all. yeah...i know...your jaw dropped at the audacity of it. who would have imagined that an american president would do such a thing. is anyone else getting tired of "news" stories that are meant to shock and awe that are old news to anyone with a tv set or a paranoid conspiracy complex? and that bothers me...that i get annoyed with reporting stuff like this. suppose i should be glad the press is finally reporting things...but is this stuff really new? somehow i doubt it...
i wish people in this country would vote like iraqis...estimates of almost a 3/4 turnout came out...this in the face of random explosions, beheadings and other fun stuff. and in this country, where we have the privilege all the damn time...we can't get half the voters off their asses if the weather is bad. which explains why we keep getting these bozos in office.
which brings me to another point...the supreme court got it wrong...handing billions of dollars to politicians for favors in the future is not protected political speech. cap it. bring politics back to the people that deserve it, the people that can actually do the job...not the most charismatic puppet of insanely wealthy folks and their special interest groups...
i'll be there in an hour, take half a month on foot. water in the old scummy watering tower, cast a lonely voice if i could. i'll be sad in heaven, you won't find me there...there jesus rides beside me, he never buys and he smokes. hurry up, hurry up, ain't you had enough of this stuff? ashtray floors, dirty clothes and filthy jokes. i'll be sad in heaven if i don't find a hole in the gate...climbing on top of this scummy watering tower screaming i can't hardly wait...til it's over.
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