rolling over, appeasement and other random thoughts...
a rather amusing question was posed to hillary clinton in a recent interview...speaking of her rampage to get florida and michigan delegates seated at the convention - the simple question was "where the fuck were you when it mattered?" when the states were stripped of their delegates, clinton agreed...when it became clear she would not earn what she felt was rightfully hers (even if she did so by proving she is truly a democrat of her generation - completely inept at running a nationwide campaign - sorry to say it, but take away her vagina and obama's black skin - and she gets absolutely crushed) she suddenly decided to fight against what she agreed to. and it isn't just bullshit like whether or not florida and michigan are seated in denver...NAFTA - you can tell me all you want that behind the scenes you didn't like the idea, you championed it publically and wrote in your book how wonderful it had been for the country and the world...the vote for war - you didn't even read the fucking report before agreeing to send our young men and women to kill and be killed. sure NOW you want to "fight" for everything - but we all know you bailed when it mattered, and you did so for political convenience. only in the end, it backfired, and now you are scrambling to show us that you can pander with the best of them. well mrs. clinton, I used to hold you in higher regard than your husband (which admittedly does not say much - but at least I did not hate you and all you represented previously), I have two simple words for you - fuck off.
and all your talk about leading in the "popular vote" - why don't you be honest with us and let us know that you are ignoring caucus apparently only florida and michigan democrats matter, please disregard iowa, neveda, washington, etc.
israel is talking to syria...and like the boy king says - we've seen this before, when jewish persons assisted the nazis in controlling the ghettos...absolutes are a bitch in a world that isn't black and white...
but then when you have the capacity of our president, it is difficult to think things through if unless the choices are only two, and they are polar opposites...
yesterday was day four in a beautiful stretch of shootings in albuquerque...
but remember guns don't kill people...bullets do...
the fuckhead conservatives in congress don't want you to be able to afford college if you've "only" risked your life for them in the desert for a few years...because if you wanted to get on with your life and get an education who would they find to run in front of roadside bombs for peanuts? yup...they won't vote to fund your education because to them it is more important that you remain without a degree and in harms way longer than to actually repay you in a small way, still far less than what is deserved. but really, they support you - they really do, because those little flags on their lapel means something. just don't ask them to do anything more...
and in the meantime they are willing to pay the blackwater commando that is running around murdering civilians with impunity and causing serious problems for the actual military ten times what they are paying our soldiers...
but remember - they are wearing flag pins...
whenever a nation crumbles, it is always the ones that are destroying it that pound their chests and declare their patriotism the loudest...
does it bother anyone else that civilian deaths are always claimed as "unintended" by the military? that's obviously meant to kill, you just fucked up and killed the wrong people. unfortunate - maybe...unintended - bullshit.
a suit got reinstated in florida that challenges the idiocy of "don't ask, don't tell" (another brilliant high point of the clinton the fuck do self-proclaimed liberals like this assclown?). nurse in the air force for twenty years...a "concerned citizen" calls up and lets the air force know that the neighbors are lesbians and one of them is in uniform. she's discharged...
experienced and educated folks in uniform are kicked out because they touch tacos (even though it apparently wasn't a problem for a few decades) while congress refuses to pay for disgustingly underpaid veterans to go to college so that they may become experienced and educated. am I the only one that finds it disturbing that our "leaders" are hell-bent on building a military without educated persons in the ranks?
cue all the conservative morons that do not understand the difference between un-educated and un-intelligent...of course most of them are actually unintelligent, but since mommy and daddy paid for a big-name school they got their education. so they must equate the two lest they see themselves for what they are...complete fools.
the oil companies want you to know it is not their fault that they are making twenty times the profit they were a few years ago...its clearly supply and demand. the magic hand of the market is guiding all your money into the billion-dollar salaries of all those fuckheads testifying before congress. there, don't you feel better?
because we all know...never, never challenge the "market" - to do so would be unamerican...
and appeasing hitler.
which brings up breaking news - global oil supplies are limited! really? wow...didn't see that coming...
remember the days when trusts, monopolies, and market manipulation were unamerican?
tens of thousands dead in china...a hundred thousand plus dead in myanmar...expectations of nine atlantic hurricanes this year...but the big story this morning is the surprise david won american idol...
for fuck's sake...what is wrong with this place?
and I'll leave you with this to ponder...can we stave off the world-wide depression this time?
the best you can is good enough...
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