Just some kid from the Chicago suburbs that moved to the southwest, went to law school, and ended up confronted with shifting ideals. My thoughts...boring and unedited.

Thursday, May 08, 2008

I'll get over you gettin' over me...

usa today has reported that the feds are rounding up undocumented persons that are trying to leave the country...after a few hours they are being deposited in mexico. yup, your tax dollars are being spent to arrest people who are trying to leave the country so that they can be dropped off outside the country later in the day. um...

hillary claims victory in indiana...followed immediately by rush limbaugh...is she counting on the rush-listener cross-over vote in november?

actually, it wouldn't surprise me...former cheerleader of "free trade" discovers an inner hawkishness despite having never been near the military...sounds like a rush-listener candidate to me...

another "fight" to add to the list of knockouts suffered by everybody's favorite "fighter" hillary clinton...

can we please put the clintons on a plane and wave goodbye now...

there was a big drug bust at SDSU...a "whopping" 400 pounds of marijuana (please, we've surpressed 22 times that much in one case alone) and 4 pounds of cocaine were recovered...what started the investigation? a cute dead white girl overdosing on cocaine...

remind me again why we are still worried about our young people smoking pot but advertise beer and tobacco to the same crowd?

hillary "loaned" her campaign $11 million so far...and I'm supposed to believe she's down with the working poor...rriiiiiigghhht...

executions resume - thank god the government has gotten back to the business of killing...for a few months there it seemed like we might join the civilized world...

philly cops beat the fuck out of three men after a traffic stop...make that fifteen officers...and you guessed it, black guys in the car. but they aren't going to pre-judge whats on the video, because it is entirely reasonable that the officers felt it necessary to hold the men down while beating them...

the most incredible thing about it...a fucking news chopper was directly overhead...if nothing else these assholes should be fired for being incredibly inept at hiding their illegal activity like most cops...

but don't worry, these officers "will be reassigned"...

I don't know about you, but I commit aggravated assault and battery in the course of my job - and I'm probably not going to just be reassigned...must be fucking nice...

estimates are 100,000 dead in myanmar due to a cyclone...does anyone remember the last time we went through a storm season that didn't kill 100,000?

but global warming is not an issue at all...

except for when conservative assheads realize that it is wiping out there slave-wage labor force...at which point we will immediately see action to remedy the situation...

and while 100,000 people are dead because mother nature is giving the world the finger...what was the story I heard the most about on the news this morning?

brittany spears is getting more time with her kids.

the report went something like this..."brittany spears, looked up to by soft, whorish, drug addicted and mental young women everywhere, was very pleased because she gets a bit more time with her boys [insert ten minutes of footage of courthouse and spears avoiding getting her picture taken]. spears appears in photos this week with her family, including her younger sister, who discovered unprotected sex earlier than spears herself. in other news, 100,000 poor brown people died. next up, how to save money by looking at labels in the grocery store!"

george snufalufagus declared the democratic nomination fight to be over...and immediately questioned how god-fearing americans could pick an un-american muslim that uses the flag as toilet paper as their nominee...

bill clinton in 1992 - "if you work hard and follow the rules you shouldn't have to worry." bill clinton in 2008 - "if you are entitled to the presidency by virtue of your last name you should be able to alter the agreed-upon rules at will and destroy legitimacy if it means I get back in the lincoln bedroom."

the feds are pushing a pfizer drug for quitting smoking...at least we know that Big Tobacco has taken a back seat to Big Drug...

interesting how the government will gleefully push a drug with frightening psychiatric side effects (severe depression, suicidal ideation, etc.) if it is made by Big Drug...but will deny you access to cheaper, life-saving drugs because it would cut into pfizer's profits...

and whatever happened to the conservative line of personal responsibility?

it must be nice to never take advice, and always know you're right without ever thinkin' twice...


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