can’t run from history, hillary’s high-priced gun toting, and tragedy at the downs...
it wasn't too long ago hillary was applauding the "free" trade agreement rolled out by her turncoat husband (side note - I saw some old blue collar guy in indiana claim he still likes bill on the news this weekend, and I wondered if he had any clue that bill destroyed his do democrats that aren't filthy rich like this fuckhead?) - even though now she likes to claim she and the "objective" child that claims to report for ABC were against it from the start (a fact she conveniently forgot until she realized that blue collar workers aren't too keen on losing their jobs, pensions and health care and now not able to collect welfare - also taken by her husband). now, "free" trade agreements continue to mount as we watch our manufacturing sector hemorage factories and jobs while our middle class is non-existent. and it is all fascinating to anyone that bothered to look at history...extremely predictable, but fascinating nonetheless. while some like to tell us that manufacturing is not important anymore and that financialization will keep america atop the world and somehow prop up one of the strongest economies the world ever produced (side note again - that economy has been long gone), pick up a history of any global economic leader before the US and you will find the exact same pattern...and you will see what is coming - and you will weep. the death of manufacturing, turning the world into our "workshop," overemphasizing the financial sector, military conquest to bring in more money, a rebirth of conservatism, and hell, even millenialism...they all show up as one global economic power after another retreats to second-class status. america was exceptional in this regard - when it became the global economic power it was, it did so in a more equitable and balanced way than any power had managed before it. unfortunately, where america is not exceptional, is that she pissed it all away. enjoy the ride my friends...
hillary wants us to believe she's just another gun and flag waving small town girl. (never mind that she grew up in the northwest suburbs of chicago before any brown folks dared move into the area, and was the definition of "elitist" as she now claims). so she sends out a mailer attacking obama on guns, complete with a picture of a rifle. only the rifle is immediately recognized by true sportsmen/hunters/gun-owners as ridiculously expensive and european. "hillary clinton - she's loves guns as much as you, assuming you have the means and wherewithall to purchase a $2,500 rifle from germany." and somehow...people still buy that she is the voice of the "working man" and the "small town folk." but really, we all know that those phrases loosely translate to "she isn't black."
a philly "ran with the boys" at churchill downs this weekend...and showed she belonged. then, in a heart-wrenching twist, her legs basically exploded and she was immediately, and humanely, put down. while PETA comes out and claims the jockey should be investigated for forcing it to run when its leg was already broken (as if a horse could run on shattered legs...and finish that strong on them...and a jockey would risk his own life and a half-million dollar animal). (side note - a friend of mine was running a marathon when her leg inexplicably happens). and animal rights folks are appalled that another horse was downed and that owners, trainers and jockeys "force" horses to run. now, anyone that knows me understands that I probably take animal tragedy tougher than most human tragedy...and I too wonder if these horses aren't being asked/allowed to do too much. and yes, drug use in the sport needs to be erased...if it ain't in their blood at birth, bulking up sythetically should not be a part of the "sport of kings." but I can't help but shake my head at the notion that these horses are being forced to run against their will. if you've ever seen animals do what they are bred to do, you know they appreciate it...look at your own dog or cat for fuck's sake. and anyone that has ever had any contact with the horse racing industry knows there is one simple truth about race horses - if they don't want to run...they ain't gonna run. still...something needs to be done...if for no other reason, then to save the money machine that is racing. I am in awe of these creatures doing what they do...but another big-time horrific tragedy and I won't have the heart or stomach to pay attention anymore.
take the money and run...
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