disappointment in obama, franken’s fraud, misrepresented founders, and NAFTA...
obama has now officially denounced rev. wright...and I, for one, am deeply disappointed. originally, obama took the high road, and pointed out that while a few statements made during a lengthy and thought provoking sermon on the history of american violence against peoples (and, since nobody bothers to check, the famous "chickens coming home to roost" line - he stole it from former ambassador edward peck - and was followed immediately by "violence begets violence. hatred begets hatred. terrorism begets terrorism." and by the way, he referred began the sermon by noting that the events of 9/11 were unthinkable acts. all I'm saying, is read the full thing...it is one hell of a sermon). when obama did that I began to truly believe that this man may be the one to get us back on the right track. and then politics happened...and obama bought into the conservative bullshit personal smear campaign way of politics, and he did everything he could to distance himself from a highly educated, articulate, intelligent, and honest man. I understand that obama needs to watch his back, I understand that he is concerned about appearing to crackers like myself as an angry black man. but I so wanted him to force the dialogue that rev. wright was rightfully asking us to have with ourselves...the dialogue we should have had on 9/12/01 - how do we respond? we didn't have that conversation then...and look what happened.
turns out al franken is a fraud. the man skipped taxes in 17 states. it is difficult to continue liking a guy who makes a shit-ton of money and then rails against how unfair things are for the little guy when he doesn't pay even his unfair share. franken's excuse - my accountant did it. but al...why did you tell your accountant to minimize your taxes when you weren't struggling? at least tell us you didn't want your tax dollars going to a war machine and a justice system that is in the wrong. give us something to go on here...because when taxes are killing most of us, you skipping out on taxes that are several times the salary of many of the people who's votes you want is forehead slapping stupid.
how is it that conservative schmucks get away with claiming they represent the ideals of the founding generation? I suppose it helps that they have dismantled the public education system (seen as a key to a healthy democracy by the founding generation) and nobody knows the history of this country anymore (at least not if you are from here...elsewhere they know all too well). mass demonstrations, riots, town halls, democracy in action - that is what birthed the american revolution. (and you lefty folks...sorry do disappoint, but the revolution wasn't just rich white men...there were a lot of regular ass folk involved, still white, but regular ass folk). the constitution? curbing state power, protecting individual rights, providing for a massive federal government capable of protecting the "general welfare." the declaration of independence? life, liberty and property became life, liberty and happiness. it has convinced me that there must be a history test for all persons running for office, and especially for appellate and supreme court judgeships. but I wonder who could pass it...we teach early american history wrong and we never get to the part of american history where economic equality and the New Deal turned this nation into the giant of the world. put down the remote, stop hunting for nude pictures of billy ray's 15 year old daughter, and pick up a fucking book.
while NAFTA is a disaster, we're not looking to enter into similar agreements everywhere (if we haven't already). (quick dig here...al gore was not, nor will he ever be, the savior of the democratic party...he sold out his "environmentalist" convictions for big business dollars...he sold out the working man not only in this nation, but everywhere, for big business dollars. al gore is a shitbag...but I digress). we're americans...we take pride in how we go balls to the wall in everything (remember how conservatives always tell us the reason we couldn't subdue an insurgency in vietnam was because we didn't go balls to the wall?) - it took out hitler and the rising sun (along with a few million civilian casualties)...it got our asses to the moon. so why did we half ass a trade agreement? why is it that only rich folks money is free to move across the borders? why aren't laborers entitled to the same "freedom"? could it be because then the rich folks money swirling around might make them only disgustingly rich instead of ungodly rich? could it be because they prop up politicians, even "down home democrats" named clinton? enough pussy-footin' around this bullshit. repeal it altogether or do it the american way - balls to the wall. open the damn borders, bring canada and mexico into a true union.
I was born in an abundance of inherited sadness...
Franken paid the taxes (more than he needed to, actually) He just paid them in Minnesota and NY, instead of all the different states.
7:21 PM
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