speaking to my bitterness and clintonian destruction...
more holier-than-thou outrage from the queen of elitism herself about obama hitting the nail on the head in noting that struggling americans are bitter over the government's continued and lengthy record of ignoring their situation. in jumping on the karl rove bandwagon, clinton (the 10 million dollar a year, born and raised in the northwest suburbs of chicago after white flight turned them cracker, hasn't been in touch with reality in 30 years former first lady) declared that obama (the raised by a single mother and grandparents, lived in indonesia with kids that ran around barefoot for lack of shoes, organizer from one of the most depressed areas in the country) is an "elitist" and out of touch with small town america. forget the fact that clinton is the embodiment of elitism in this country (white, wealthy, ivy league educated, on walmart's board, etc.) and that the only way she could possible win the nomination is through elites overriding the will of the people, and that it is highly amusing that anyone could accuse a black man of being an "elitist" in this country...what he said is true.
what clinton and mccain don't want you to know is what else obama said. they don't want his comments in context, because it shows that he knows exactly what is going on in small town america. "you go into some of these small towns in pennsylvania, a lot of them - like a lot of small towns in the midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing's replaced them... and they've gone through the clinton administration [for which hillary takes credit as "experience"], and the bush administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate, and they have not." and as things keep getting worse even a democrat is resorting to the karl rove way of politics - divide and conquer. and it is disgusting to someone like me, an "elitist" in the making...
I was born in the suburb next to where hillary grew up. I know what life is like there, I know that it is a shock if you don't go to college from that neighborhood, even 40 years ago. I know that even today the area hates when brown folk move in and couch it in terms of warning about "deteriorating schools" and "crime rates." I know how ridiculously classist the area is and how much of an insane running start you get on life if you are lucky enough to be born into that. and I used that running start to get a degree, and then a j.d. I'm a white male from the chicago suburbs with a professional degree and a white collar job...and it is nearly impossible for me to get by. student loans, housing, insurance, food, and car payments (necessitated by the lack of any semblance of reliable public transit in my town) damn near take my entire paycheck...and I had every advantage. if I am bitter that I did what I was supposed to do, and had such a blessed head start, I can only imagine how frustrating it is to start from behind...and to be ignored by your government all the while.
and this is what obama was saying...that too many of us have been ignored by the government and pandered to on issues that, while important, will never keep the roof over our head, or the food on the table, or the kid's medicine in the cabinet. and too many of us have decided that all we will get from our leaders is promises on those issues, and have tried to face that in the wealthiest society ever, we just won't be getting our piece of the pie. and as our wages continue to slide, our bills continue to mount. gas prices continue to soar while the government refuses to induce car makers to do what we all know they can - make an efficient car. our grocery bills seem to raise every week, and we choose between food or medicine. our insurance rates skyrocket while our CEOs pocket our pensions. and the government continues to tell us about the jobs that globalization has created, jobs that pay less and require more. and yet too many are out of work, are putting off retirement indefinitely, are unable to receive an education, are despondent, are struggling, and simply cannot, no matter how much hard work they put in, close the gap.
and clinton knows this...her husband said the same thing about struggling people when he ran in 1992 - only he was pointing out what we all know, that the true elitists are the ones that continue to ignore our plight and refuse to talk to, and provide an answer for, our frustration without pointing it towards gays and mexicans and muslims. and that is why so many young people have flocked to obama...not only does he get it, but he will say it.
and yet hillary continues to divide us in the hopes that she can convince her party elites (the irony) that we are fools and that she knows what is best. and there are plenty I am sure that will listen...but to them I offer this warning.
you have an opportunity to grab voters like myself...with a good 40 years of voting ahead of me. you have an opportunity to earn my allegiance for a lifetime and transform the electorate in your favor and to the left for generations. but if you fuck me now...I will never forget and I will never forgive. and I, along with the millions more like me, will not think twice about throwing you aside. and you will have squandered a golden opportunity. and we will all be the worse off for it.
hillary...stop. if there is even one bone in your body that desires what is best for your country, your party and the world...stop.
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