the old guard must go and richardson does something right...
hillary, in her continuation of bill’s quest to destroy liberal america and the democratic party, just refuses to accept the reality that has been staring her in the face for the last few months...she cannot legitimately win the nomination. the only hope she has is that the democratic establishment decide it would be best to destroy the party in the mistaken belief that hillary somehow would spare better in the general than obama. unfortunately, there are a lot of shitbags that agree that destruction of the democratic party, at a time when obama is attempting to use it to forge a lasting new "new deal" coalition, is the job of the democratic elite. james carville thought it an "act of betrayal" that bill richardson would do what was right and endorse the candidate he felt was best suited for the times - because if the machine worked properly, he would "owe" it to the clintons to endorse hillary. and in perhaps the least noticed, but most telling comment of a clinton supporter as of late, the governor of pennsylvania declared of the nomination process that "our job is to nominate the candidate with the best chance to win." forget for a minute that in a general election hillary’s voters will cross to obama, but obamas will abandon the democratic party, and possibly the process itself, and just take that statement in...
"our job is to nominate the candidate with the best chance to win." that statement is exactly why a politician like obama is so necessary for the democratic party to be saved from itself and the true america to again gain a foothold in washington. a democratic governor does not think it is necessary for the nomination process to be a contest of who is best suited for the position of the president and who best represents the ideals of the democratic party...he feels it is about who can finally perfect the failed election strategy of the gore and kerry campaigns and manage to squeek just enough electoral votes to get the white house back so that the democratic party can continue on a path towards conservatism.
governor rendell, after his idiotic "our job" comment, implied that it should bother democrats that obama trails mccain in polls in jersey, ohio, florida and missouri (more of the same failed strategy of moving right and only focusing on a few states while ignoring your ideals). apparently those of us liberals, progressives, working stiffs, blue collar, struggling folks in the rest of the country don’t count for shit in their democratic party.
this has always been my problem with the democratic party...the establishment is full of phoney fucknuts that don’t give two shits about the american people, the country or the world as long as they are "winning" - and it is exactly why my generation, at a time when the democratic party should have been stomping the republican party, has declared itself "independent" in increasing numbers. if the party follows the lead of the clinton machine...I, for one, will dance on it’s grave...and then I will weep, because one of the greatest chances in history will have been wasted, just to stroke the ego of a family that feels the white house is a right for them...your time has passed clintonites, you fucked everything up when you could have helped so many. for the sake of us all...go home and shut the fuck up.
which brings me to bill richardson, a man that many of you know I hold with just about no regard whatsoever. richardson endorsed obama, finally. we all knew he wanted to, because his non-endorsement of hillary was as clear a sign as any that he did not favor clinton. I hate to give richardson any credit...but this endorsement will be huge in the long run. obama has scored the endorsement of two hugely popular governors in the southwest (gov napolitano of arizona being the other), a region of growing political importance. more importantly, richardson represents one of the ultimate super-delegates in this contest...a man with actual foreign policy experience (not faux-experience based on landings "under sniper fire" that never happened) - built largely on his ability to be a pig with the best of them no doubt - that is telling the world that obama is well-equiped to handle the demands of world leadership...a man that should have run to the clinton camp given his ties to bill (although one wonders how much shit bill talked about hillary to richardson)...a man that, no matter how much he believed in a candidate, would never, never, never put his name behind someone he felt might lose under the circumstances...a man that is the only hispanic governor in the country telling hispanics obama is the one that understands and will help, not the wannabe cracker from the northwest suburbs of chicago. this endorsement is big and will have huge ramifications for obama come the general election...and for richardson come january - I always thought he wanted secretary of state...but a vice presidential nod would not surprise me now that he has learned to dress and talk.
all the others getting lost and found...
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