Just some kid from the Chicago suburbs that moved to the southwest, went to law school, and ended up confronted with shifting ideals. My thoughts...boring and unedited.

Friday, February 29, 2008

hillary’s last days...

as ohio looks to be the latest in the string of states declaring the clinton years a bullshit boon that did nothing to help the working people of america - instead destroying the very fabric of the nation - texas has already swung to obama. the latest zobgy poll has clinton trailing in texas (so much for the hispanic firewall hillary) and the gap in ohio closed (a trend that has continued time and time again).

hillary absolutely needs a slaughter on tuesday to have any hope of the nomination - even with her sad attempts at rove-ian tactics the people continue to slide away from her jumbled message of "I've been fucking up longer than he has."

she tells us she is a fighter and so we should vote for her - but hillary, when you "fought" for health care you lost. you lost when you were overruled by your husband when NAFTA became the issue for the administration to go to bat for in the early days (and you became the good soldier and told us all how good NAFTA was for america). you lost when the health care industry disgraced you in the early 90's. you crumbled when presented with pressure from the bush administration to vote for a boneheaded war - and you didn't even bother to read the report before voting. I can do my own slap fighting thank you very much - I'd prefer someone that might stand a chance of winning an important fight.

she tells us she has "experience" - oddly undercutting her independent woman routine by claiming being married to a big shot gives her experience. you've barely had any time in the senate hillary - you are more of a baby legislator than obama...and your career before bill took off is a rather sad commentary compared with his. you want experience in foreign policy? how about the man that lived in a majority muslim country rather than the woman that attended state gala's in one?

but come wednesday morning it will all be moot - because people are remembering something hillary...they are remembering this simply reality -

"If one candidate's trying to scare you and the other one's trying to get you to think, if one candidate's appealing to your fears and the other one's appealing to your hopes, you better vote for the person who wants you to think and hope."

problem for you hillary - that advise came from your husband three years ago. payback's a bitch.


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