more super tuesdays - random political thoughts...
sorry mrs. clinton, your time has passed, its our time now. hillary got her ass handed to her yesterday - 50 plus points in d.c., almost 35 in maryland, and an embarrassing 30 in virginia. obama finally proved he can bring together the broad coalition that people were whispering he could not do - even old white women are coming over to his side. the results do not bode well for the clinton camp as they try to wait out the firestorm of obama landslides until texas and ohio...
especially considering that obama has taken the torch from edwards. anyone that saw his speech last night recognized the first half was directed towards edwards...and it was beautifully crafted - attacking trade agreements that sold out american interests in the name of Big Business (and big campaign contributions), the same agreements that hillary applauded with glee when her husband shoved them down our throats...
last night I was speaking with a friend about that speech, and I gave it 48 hours before edwards announces he is endorsing obama...although I may be off by the weekend, it is coming...
speaking of, david wilhelm, the man that ran bill clinton's first presidential campaign, has endorsed obama...
and rumor has it that bill is begging richardson to stay at home in new mexico and not head across the border to drum up hispanic support for obama...
not that obama needs the help now - that clinton latino firewall was dowsed in the potomac...
and speaking of my brilliant forecasts, I've been preaching it for some time - give the american people a true progressive voice in a presidential election and we will see that candidate trounce the other bob moyer wrote this week - "purple america is ready, and eager, for obama" - this is the year...
which leads me to believe that the cubs will also be winning games into november...
yes, hope does spring eternal...
but the man has taken a simple message from dr. king and reminded us all that a nation spending more on the machinery of death and destruction than on education of its youth is a nation approaching spiritual death...and we are all beginning to listen...
and obama continues to evolve...and ever more reminds me of RFK by doing so. this nation is liberal - its people agree that we are all in this together and we are our brothers' and sisters' keeper...
which is why independents, and even republicans, are beginning to cross for obama...
leading bob moser to declare that mccain's chances in a general election basically "boil down to one increasingly improbably headline: Hillary Clinton Wins Democratic Nomination."
don't look now, but the senate just gave away more of your civil liberties...
yet another reason the democratic party must have new leadership immediately - the old guard is not your parent's democratic party...they are scared of anything and everything...and they love hillary for it, because she can be "tough" on crime and terror just as much as a bushie...
the boy king called the era of lynching a shameful period in american history - of course he failed to mention that he played upon the same tendencies which gave us lynching to shore up the support of crackers in the "emerging republican majority"...
and in doing so horrified the author of the emerging republican majority...
the prime minister of australia apologized to aborigines for the deplorable treatment at the hands of the australian government...a few years ago the head of BIA here in the states apologized to the indigenous peoples of the united states, but made it a point to proclaim he did not speak for the government the meantime, bushies have refused to let an official apology come out...
but don't sweat, we have the moral high ground when it comes to the needless slaughter of innocent peoples...really, we do...
especially against terrorists that target civilian populations - because when we do it we wear a flag on our uniform...and that makes it ok...
back to presidential campaigns - I'm still trying to figure out when exactly it was that hillary gained so much experience...she's been legislating for 8 years...obama's been doing it for over a decade...
her biggest selling point seems to be that she can fight dirty too...because if there is anything I want from the democratic candidate, it is a denigration of democracy...
and yes, I am bashing on hillary a bunch today...I hate her, I'll say anything about her...
although she would've been much better in the white house than bill...
of course that doesn't say much - unless you like your job being shipped elsewhere while prices rise and your wages stagnate and your environment deteriorates and your government seeks military intervention in the middle east and your leaders commit perjury and your safety net gets yanked from you...
yea, the 90's were a real boom for us regular ass folk - thanks bill...
and you to mr. gore - don't think I've forgotten that you championed NAFTA without environmental protections...the one time you could have done something seriously productive for environmentalists - you bailed for the money...
which is why I took some joy in seeing you lose the presidency...
the government will try to take the lives of six folks it claims are associated with 9/11 in a process that is fundamentally unfair...
welcome to the conservative movement's american way of life...
which makes one wonder - why exactly are we sending people to kill and die to protect it?
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