some drugs we can’t afford on the way - random thoughts...
so hillary injected $5 million of her own funds into her campaign - which raises this simple question that the media is not asking (most notably the "liberal" ny times) - if she has spent 35 years in "public service," where the fuck did she rack up enough money to write a check for $5 million to a dying campaign? I'm not saying she is a phony - I'm just saying...
the new york times, that long-standing leader of the "liberal" media, let us know yesterday that clinton was ahead of obama by nearly 200 delegates (including the un-democratic "super" ones). hell, if the front page of the times says it, it must be accurate. oddly enough, that count was the only one that had the two more than a handful of delegates apart...and it failed to include a bunch of states that obama wiped the floor with hillary in on tuesday...and it happened to very strongly favor the candidate it endorsed. there was a time when the press was responsible...
of course now we have to rely on a former sportscenter anchor to give us accurate information and couragous editorial comments...doesn't say much for american journalism...
nebraska just declared the electric chair unconstitutional..."evolving standards" are finally catching up with humanity's standards...
a gunman opened fire in kirkwood, mo at a city counsel meeting...I hear ben hur is setting up a conference in nearby st louis to dare the powers that be to go ahead and try to pry the gun from his cold, dead hands...
but seriously - isn't this what the folks that don't understand the history of the second amendment always argue when they are clamoring for more firepower...that we need to be able to shoot up the government if it oversteps its bounds?
thank god for guns...without them america might not be a safe place to live...
the attorney general is screaming that unless congress acts the streets will be flooded with cocaine dealers..."many of them violent gang members." his fear comes about because the united states sentencing commission (that brain-dead organization that determines sentences for federal offenses based upon a grid) finally got around to recognizing that penalties for crack cocaine 100 times greater than that for powder cocaine were problematic...and so it fixed the problem, and applied the update retrospectively - meaning many advisory guideline sentencing ranges will be lowered, and that folks might start getting out of prison soon. of course, if you read between the lines what mukasey was really saying is "IF YOU DON'T ACT A LOT OF BLACK MEN WILL COME OUT OF PRISON" - and we all know how fucking scary that is for white folks...especially the "liberal" crackers that embrace hillary (sorry, couldn't resist)...
mitt romney went away...I'm not sure what to think - either "those" people within the republican party can no longer pick and choose the way this country is governed, or they realized that he was the inverse of a democratic candidate (run far to the right, then get into office and move left). either way, it is nice to know that people are beginning to reject the braindead and oft-proven wrong economic policies of extreme conservatives...
washington state is beginning to look interesting - unions and governors are endorsing obama. that makes three female democratic governors endorsing obama instead of hillary...arizona, washington and kansas. the gender gap will close...
who has february 10th for when hillary officially and openly begins lobbying to have delegates from michigan and florida seated at the convention? nevermind that she agreed to their being stripped originally, was the only candidate on the ballot in michigan (and still only beat "uncommitted" by 15 points), and violated her gentleperson's agreement not to campaign in either state after getting her ass handed to her in earlier contests...
obama said something that largely went unnoticed by the mainstream media - but that those of us that pay attention understand...if he gets the nod, clinton supporters will support him...if she gets the nod, the opposite will likely not hold true...
and how amusing is it to argue electability for a black man that lived in indonesia for some time during his childhood...
before all is said and done, I guarantee the clintons will do their damndest to destroy the democratic party at a time when it should be rejuvenated...
howard dean - I'm not a fan of your policies that much, but on behalf of the people of this country that for so long were left out of the process - thank you for bringing democracy back to the people...
obama followed your lead - and has raised a shit-ton of money through small donations...and built a network of regular-ass folk willing to give their time to ensure this nation becomes democratic (not necessarily democrat) again...
condi rice is begging other nations to do more in our wars...we broke it you bought it...conservative leadership at its best...
pitchers and catchers report next week - and for the first time in forever, I don't even care...god its nice to have civic responsibility mean something again...
although this will be the year the cubs eek into the playoffs and get on a roll...and chicago erupts for the party of the century in november - to be followed up by the coronation of a new progressive leader...
take a stand...
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