Just some kid from the Chicago suburbs that moved to the southwest, went to law school, and ended up confronted with shifting ideals. My thoughts...boring and unedited.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

canadians are just good people, unpresidential bill, and tax "rebates" arrive...

canadians - those good, moral people that always apologize, even if they are not at fault (if you doubt me, just watch canadian bacon...a classic) - have been exposed as the spineless terrorist loving fools we always knew they were. thanks to a leak, the canadian big whigs have had to admit that they stopped turning prisoners over to the "government" of afghanistan due to concerns over the use of torture on previously transferred prisoners. (what a utopia our northern neighbor must be...a "leak" in canada is that their government won't participate in torture). they tried to keep it on the down low - perhaps because the american government really wants people to believe that the "government" of afghanistan is a wonderful, people loving and liberty protecting bunch.

amazing the juxtaposition of canada against us right now. they leak that they don't participate in torture. we kidnap and ship to countries that we know will torture (when we aren't doing it ourselves). I am reminded of a scene in velvet goldmine with an angry father standing over a quivering christian bale - "it's a shameful thing you're doing. you bring shame to your mother and me. do you hear me? stand up!" here's hoping that kucinich's push for impeachment will be accompanied by a similar dialogue...but here's serious doubting on that regard. the democratic party would never threaten the status quo so violently.

folks are up in arms over bill clinton parading around the country protecting his helpless little wife (seriously...does anyone else notice how very much at odds with hillary's projected persona it is for a man to be coming to her rescue? and just how demeaning bill continues to be to just about everyone associated with him?). mostly they are crazed because he is talking shit in a manner we assume a former head of state would find themself above. which raises another question - when the hell did bill ever act presidential? are we really surprised to the point that it is newsworthy that this assclown continues to make a mockery of what once was a prestigious position? about the only "presidential" thing he ever did was fuck the common people for big business and order some arabs be killed. your time has passed bill...go away. for the sake of this nation. for the sake of the world. go away. you are not a great man. you never were a great man. you never will be a great man. you are a poser. you are a sell out. you are a shitbag. and you are just as responsible for all this bullshit as the current crop of fuckups...don't think we don't recognize that.

a deal was struck on tax "rebates" to stimulate the economy. (disclaimer - the economy is doomed...contrary to popular belief, the last decades set us up for this, bill and the boy king hastened and hardened the fall...you can't escape history). some conservatives are pissed off because the rebates will also go to people too poor to pay income taxes. let that sink in for a moment....

there you go. now next time these fucks try to tell you they care about you - the next time the conservative movement tries to grab your vote through "moral" issues (which, if you will notice, they never do anything about - perhaps because if they "fixed" the problems they would not have anything to distract your attention from the royal ass-fucking they've been giving you for decades)...remember that they didn't want you to get any tax relief because you are too poor to qualify.

you can fight it but this feeling is starting to stick...


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