Just some kid from the Chicago suburbs that moved to the southwest, went to law school, and ended up confronted with shifting ideals. My thoughts...boring and unedited.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

everything must come and go...

my faith in obama is returning...he is beginning to hint that he has the guts to tell democrats what they have been denying for far too long - the clinton years were not good. the economy was roaring for the same people it is roaring for now...and that doesn't include you and me. the manufacturing sector continued to be gutted. we could have had health care, we got NAFTA. we were officially introduced to the "war on terror." all in all, the man was a very effective republican president.

turns out Iran isn't much of a threat militarily. go figure...a nation that spent a decade in war with a second rate military power isn't a big threat to the united states militarily.

but that is the beauty of the new standard...if saddam was a threat, Iran is the new kremlin.

is it just me, or is huckabee not as completely insane as one would think a serious elephant might be?

the CIA destroyed tapes showing their agents "interrogating"...why you ask? they were worried it might expose them to legal action. that's the funny thing about torture...as much as the boy king wants it to be otherwise, it's still punishable by death under the United States Code.

the boy king sent a letter to north korea's own don king. here's an exclusive excerpt..."Dear Mr. Il - I'm in a bit of a pickle with this whole invade two landlocked countries in the middle east thing. I can't do shit about you and your crazy ways...so please stop. You're making me look bad, and I'm a tough east coast cowboy, I don't take kindly to that." I don't know about you, but I feel much better knowing that the boy king is reaching out with crayons.

I want access to a doctor. and I don't give two shits if you roll a joint after work. so let's compromise. you get your legal marijuana...and we tax the fuck out of it (it'll still be cheaper than it is on the street now). the extra money will give me, you and everyone we know access to top notch health care.

speaking of marijuana...a guy drives a truck with marijuana in the back and gets 5 to 40. same guy drives a truck loaded with booze and gets to be in a commercial with titties in his face. how does this make sense?

bill richardson is the most useless governor in the history of mankind. he is asking civil servants in new mexico to leave their jobs to campaign for him in iowa. because nothing says good administrating like closing down government to make yourself feel more adequate.

its time to give ex-felons the vote again. its nothing but a scam to disenfranchise american citizens. they've done their time, they've paid their debt. most of them are felons because of substance addiction...we don't keep drunks from the polls. and really, could they fuck it up anymore than us non-felons have been?

the supremes are taking another look at gitmo. am I the only one that noticed that the constitution says "any person" and "the accused"? somehow "any" became "american person that doesn't talk funny or look brown."

how amusing that it took a conservative mormon to tell the country that separating your politics from your church is a good idea.

don't look now, but another former death row inmate was exonerated...but sleep easy, because I'm sure we caught all of them. none of the ones that actually got killed were innocent.

the republicans in the senate want you to get a bit of a tax "break" by temporarily "fixing" the alternative minimum tax. of course that "average" $2000 that each family will save will immediately be drained on services that were otherwise provided through tax dollars.

you're about to lose your house...no fret, boy king to the rescue. oh, sorry, I meant you are trying to foreclose on someone else's house after fucking them thanks to deregulation...no fret, boy king to the rescue.

I start to miss you, baby, sometimes...I've been staying up and drinking in a late night establishment telling strangers personal things...I've been hallucinating you babe, at the backs of other women, and I tap on their shoulder and they turn around smiling, but there's no recognition in their eyes...don't get me wrong, dear, in general I'm doing quite fine...it's just that it's summer in the city and you're so long gone from the city...I start to miss you, baby, sometimes...


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