guns, starving the beast, and the truth about "values" votes...
the supremes are re-examining the second amendment. it has been decades since they have looked at whether or not the second amendment means what it says, or whether it means anyone and everyone can have a AK-47 under the pillow. some rich schmuck paid off some folks in DC to sue over keeping guns in their home since handgun ownership has been illegal for some time there. this is one hell of an interesting issue...anyone that has studied early american history understands that the second means what it says...gun ownership is needed for militias to protect the nation (and, I would argue, overthrow tyrannical leadership). but that implies that without militia membership, there is absolutely no right to own a gun. of course that would require common sense and historical knowledge (something that has been lacking on the supreme court for some time...come back thurgood...we need you...more than ever, we need you). the interesting thing is that constitutional doctrines are always subject to change as society evolves (or devolves as the case may be)...and lets face it, american culture is centered around buying shit and shooting shit (both figuratively and literally). and hunting is an absolute necessity since we have managed to destroy nature's checks on certain populations. so what do we do? if it were up to me...fuck it. if you ain't in a militia you don't have a right to shit...the words are clear, the history is clear, the meaning is clear. but ignorant fools out there will think that gun ownership would then be illegal...which is bullshit. just because you don't have a right to something doesn't make it illegal to do it. not that it will matter...this court don't have the balls.
the democratic party is a joke. they are either naive fools or pawns of business. either way, they are fuckheads. but this one time, I would love to see them take a page from the republican playbook. see, the republicans have become masters at inept government, which they then use to declare that government cannot fix things (because they themselves don't want to, and don't know what the fuck they are in point - katrina. terry shiavo's brain is mush and has been a vegetable for too long and her husband wants to see her wishes done...bush catches a red-eye flight back to DC to sign a bill to keep that oatmeal brain on support. katrina hits and thousands are stranded and dying...bush stays on vacation for a few days. then the republicans say "see...government can't help you."). they have also become masters at starving the beast...they know they can't do away with largely popular social they give all the money needed for them to their rich friends. eventually, they get booted out of power as the economy goes to shit behind their boneheaded policies...and the democrats are left to either raise taxes or cut programs, or both. so why the fuck don't the jackasses do the same thing? they finally control the budget...cut it...big time. no more black budget for the pentagon. no more funds for war. just end it. don't give it. and then get on tv and tell us government can't help you, the private sector and market will always be better at ceo's better suit up, grab a gun and get in a hummer. not that they would ever have the gumption...we'll just keep heading toward spiritual death, spending more money on the machinery of death and destruction than we would ever imagine to spend on keeping kids healthy and educated.
the republicans have had a stranglehold on "values" voting for awhile. they managed to break up the new deal coalition, and while the democrats flounder about trying to move to the right to counter the republican move to the right (fantastic logic, I know) while the country stays center-left, the republicans have used bullshit red herrings of abortion, gay marraige, family, etc. to keep power while destroying communities, sending your job overseas, and giving your money to the wealthy. and they do it with "values"...telling you that if you vote for the democrats adam and steve will move in next door and molest your children (never mind that grandpa and father joe are far more likely to be diddling your boy than the random gay guy down the street). and now they have had congress for over a decade (until recently...but seriously, this congress still lays down plenty for the right wing agenda)...and I wonder, why are none of these "values" people starting to ask the simple question of republicans - when you controlled everything in government, why didn't you "fix" all these problems? simple answer...they never had any intention of doing it...because if they did, you might sit back and notice that everything else they do fucks you in a big way, and the rainbow flag down the street wouldn't seem like such a big deal when your house is taken away and your job is shipped to asia while your kid dies of preventable disease.
I know we're gonna need a lucky one...
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