Just some kid from the Chicago suburbs that moved to the southwest, went to law school, and ended up confronted with shifting ideals. My thoughts...boring and unedited.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

frightening debate, breaks for the filthy rich, and the militarization of america...

was watching the news hour the other night (since I finally got off of work on time and recently discovered the plethora of pbs channels in HD) and some bit about the newest joke of an attorney general led into a segment on water boarding. it began with reporting on the evil itself and talk of the protests and controversy swirling around this asshead that was given blessing from supposed representatives of you and I (although we all know that unless "you and I" includes billionaires...they don't represent shit). I briefly thought it was nice that pbs was finally returning to some reporting that wasn't fox-ized. and then they cut back to the studio...and we were informed that there were folks to talk about two opposing view points on water boarding. that's right...we need "balanced" punditry on whether or not a practice which the world declared immoral long ago and clearly violates domestic law and was condemned as evil when it popped into western culture during the inquisition actually qualifies as torture. all I can really say, is this is completely fucking ridiculous. I cannot believe that we have digressed so far and that we are so paranoid of being "called-out" by jackasses with extreme right wing propoganda and a microphone (even if they haven't eaten in about 15 years or are drug addicts). god forbid we accept what the world and this nation accepted long ago...water boarding is torture. torture cannot be morally justified. although with the degredation of our schools by no child left behind, I guess it shouldn't suprise me that legitimate thought is dying.

the house barely tried to give you a tax break...and pay for it by taxing hedge funds and their uber-rich organizers (and trust me...these fuckers are insanely rich, moreso than can be morally accepted in a "just" society - especially one that claims to be built upon christian values). here is the sad part...the ny times reported that democrats in the senate have a dilemna because they must either put their money where their mouth is or risk alienating their largest contributors. the ny times has officially reported that the democratic party does not represent anyone but the wealthy (although we all knew this when patsy madrid informed us here in new mexico that you only take money for access). again...with all the children being left behind and unable to understand and analyize basic history, I understand this might be difficult - but for god's sake people...the largest and most equal economic expansion in history occured when we taxed corporations at about 50%. the average factory worker made a decent living and could move into the middle class. pensions were guaranteed. health care was affordable. the rich were getting richer...but so were you, and the gap was relatively acceptable. now the congress is going to fuck you in favor of people who do nothing tangible to help society...they simply move money around try to outsmart other people that move money around. they don't make anything. they don't "generate" wealth as some fucking moron with a MBA will want to tell me...they simply take the wealth that you and I generate by playing by the rules and move it around until it is in their pockets. and they are going to get a break...while you suddenly find yourself owing a few more thousand in april - even while the government does less and less for that money. but don't fret...most of that is being put into the killing industry. and that should be celebrated...

which is where we are as a society. recently some fool tried to tell me this nation was not militarized because we had "volunteer" armed forces. never mind that the economy uses the military as a crutch. never mind that this nation has developed a very powerful "rally around the assfuck in office" trend anytime the president tells us war is coming - calling any questioning of the logic of organized homicide treasonous. just ignore that we glorify the warrior and we must all "support" the troops or be declared un-american (funny since the continental army felt slighted because the people thought they were paid thugs). please disregard that a nation partially founded in disgust for standing armies in a supposed free-society now beats its chest and declares its standing army the greatest of all time. pay no attention to slow creep of military values into everyday life - and an acceptance that such values are the proper order of society. and while you are at it...forget about our modern gladiators...the UFC fighter. nope...not militarized at all...we still stand for everything that this nation was founded for - as long as you can overlook the degredation of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness I mean.

but all is well...a wonderful person drew my attention to the appearance of architecture in santa fe tonight. so turn it up and bounce while the world crumbles around you.

suspicious for the winter...


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