the boy king’s history lessons, making poverty a crime, and obama disappoints again...
the boy king is now providing history lessons...a rather amusing prospect given his apparent complete ignorance of the fascinating disaster he is piloting which history foretold time and time again. he wants us to believe that iraq is japan...and since the US helped japan "turn defeat into democracy" it must work in iraq too (we just ask that you please ignore that it first required incinerating a few hundred thousand woman and children and the US taking over a permanent role as japan's military which has led to ridiculous amounts of animosity towards this nation in the areas where our military bases bring crime to foreign lands). yup...all we need to do is set up permanent bases all over iraq, govern it is a military dictatorship for a decade or so, and use the a-bomb and we should be a-ok.
he also wants us to remember the lessons of korea...but forget that, again, there is a permanent and large military force provided by your tax dollars. and forget that rollback turned pretty damn ugly when chinese forces ran our asses back to southern korea.
oh...and don't forget vietnam. the boy king wants you to think that millions died and became "boat people" after the US military finally stopped supporting an unpopular corrupt puppet regime. he wants you to ignore our involvement in making the "killing fields" happen...he wants you to ignore the countryside that was devestated by american bombing raids. he wants you to ignore the millions of innocent civilians that were slaughtered from the air. and he also wants you to forget that just about a year ago he was telling you how wonderful things turned out for vietnam.
here's the history lesson he should be giving you...hegemonic societies inevitably have been drawn to financialization and "globalization" (as we like to call it these days). this destroys the foundation of a strong and sustainable economy...labor and manufacturing. unfortunately, by this point they have often come to see themselves as saviors of the be spread by military might. intense militarism sets in, conservative assholes take over the government and the military becomes the only place that social mobility is at all possible anymore as the stratification of weath shoots to unimaginable heights. with a faux-economy propping it up, the over-use and extension of the military becomes a huge drain of resources that cannot be supported. things fall apart and the hegemon drops into serious relative decline, watching all those it used to bully speed past it. its been happening for many, many centuries. we are the latest victim...enjoy the ride.
awhile back a man got hammered and drove the wrong way on I-25, slamming into a minivan and killing all but one daughter of a family from las vegas, new mexico. he was served booze on the plane, and then stopped at a gas station to get a six pack (maybe...there was a receipt in his wallet). cue the posturing from politicians about how drunk driving is the worst of all possible offenses and that the best way to cure it is to crack down on anyone and everyone while ignoring the root causes of over-consumption of alcohol and the fact that it is impossible to get anywhere in this state on public transportation. so now they are charging a clerk that was working at that gas station that night and might have sold a six pack to a guy that might have been drunk at the time he bought it. here's wondering if charges would be brought if the chief of police had a shindig and gave a guy too many beers before he headed point? this poor clerk is basically being charged with having a shitty job. but then making poverty a crime is a good way to keep people down I suppose...
obama doesn't have the balls to be a savior. he will never be the man so many of us hoped he could be. when given another opportunity to decry the unquestioning love of all things military by our society, and perhaps point out that not only was the war a bad idea...but it is morally reprehensible...obama went out on a limb and became another cheerleader. his only question...speaking of after the boys and girls in camo finish their "outstanding job in carrying out military operations" was "what then?" not why.
is it too much to ask that just one of our supposed leaders follow martin luther king and ask us to consider what has gone wrong with our society when we climb all over each other to show how much we love soldiers and pour more and more money in to the machinery of death and destruction while our schools crumble and our children go without medicine?
watching television in an electronic prison waiting for the darkness to fall. homegrown terrorism, one nation in division and the talk shows are to blame for it all. the atf and fbi make preparations to invade...the bill of rights disintegrates because freedom just gets in the way.
the crime rate is alarming, the citizens are arming against uncommon enemies. a fourth world revolution, invisible the 21st century.
the homeless were a nuisance to the 5 o'clock commuters so they were erased from the streets. apocolyptic rumors are consumed by the consumers, there's a new disease every week. the nightly news has no more room for truth inside the narrow case. the markets slip, a panic hits as a fever spreads across the land.
genetic engineering, one step from ethnic cleansing...copyright your dna. moral indescretions, unnatural the 21st century.
watch the politicians as they jockey for position in the endless race of the rats. all the kids are listening to some junky musician as the empire show signs of collapse. the upper crust, the one percent, have run off with all the cash. don't pay the bills, forget the rent, its the beginning of the end.
the book of revelations, the cult of information, the power of prophecy. you don't need a crystal ball to track the rise and fall...of the 21st century.
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