panzy democrats and disaster on the horizon...
in yet another showing of how the "left" in this country has disappeared in favor of pandering to mindless (fill in the blank) phobic fools that occupy the right...the democratic candidates for president showed us just how much they hate the bill of rights and basic human dignity...just how much they do not believe in the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. (that is, of course, except for kucinich...who actually is what the democrats should be). this time it was a forum on gay issues...which, in itself I suppose is a step foward...where they reminded us that anyone that can get elected president should be forever banned from holding office. we had obama counseling gays not to concentrate on liberty and the pursuit of happiness, and just move on to other things than marriage - ironically pointing out that his parents marriage would have been illegal in many states...apparently ignoring that 50 years ago such logic would have meant he never came to be. we had clinton telling us how much hard work she and her husband had done for gays...apparently forgetting the defense of marriage act and "don't ask, don't tell"...both wonderful setbacks which, as melissa ethridge said, threw gays under the bus. we had richardson telling us its a choice before admitting he doesn't know shit about the science behind it - perhaps because this country has abandoned learning and teaching science in favor of pandering to the almighty dollar and MBAs for everyone. we had edwards claiming he is now comfortable with gays...the comment coupled with nervous laughter. WHY DON'T ANY OF THESE PEOPLE HAVE ANY FUCKING BALLS?!?!?!?! when will one of them simply say this..."when was the last time your community was hurt by more marriages?" I seem to remember a certain document claiming "all" were created equal...guess my copy just doesn't include the bit excluding leather daddies, fems and the like.
the DOW took an incredible hit and markets worldwide are showing just how shaky "globalization" and financialization actually is...and I must admit, a part of me took some glee in it. I mean, I hate to say "I told you so"...but is anyone else noticing this would only be about the umpteenth time in history that the love of finance caused economic disaster? you can keep trying to shuffle the red ink around as much as you want...eventually you just can't move it fast enough...eventually people wake up and demand to know why they are working so hard for so little...eventually people realize it has all been a sham...and they run...and your currency collapses...and your never-ending growth does a nosedive...and a dark age ensues...and we can only hope that some good comes out of it in the end. to everyone that is relying on a 401(k) to retire on...I'm sorry to tell you this...but you're fucked. you worked hard, you tried to save...and they told you you would be ok...but they lied. you are fucked. when you put it next to Big Business, Big Government doesn't look so bad does it?
but don't worry about the impending doom on the economic horizon...we have more pressing the impending doom on the environmental horizon. the ice sheets are hitting record lows again...funny how that seems to coincide with record highs on wall street - message from the powers that be perhaps? scientists at the university of illinois released a study that points out we are really playing with fire here. if you ask me...and no, you didn't...I'd say we are well past the point of no return, and it is just a matter of time before mother nature truly unleashes her wrath upon us and sets the record straight. and in the same way that I wish it weren't true and still enjoy the impending implosion with the stock market...part of me is glad to see comeuppance happen.
if the world is bad, refer to your dad...and his before four score what's the reason he saw for...karma is real, part of the deal is how you started the deal...cause everything is 360, it will start the cartwheel and snowballs...
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