taxpayer funded death, labor threats, and the real reason the boy king wants guest workers...
tomorrow morning a sentencing proceeding will start in Albuquerque. the State of New Mexico will do its best to see to it that 12 people agree that Stanley Bedford be strapped to a chair and killed with taxpayer funds. they have already gone through the fun of the guilt phase, presenting plenty of evidence concerning an elderly couple that was burned in the trunk of their own car, possibly alive at the time, over the course of a couple weeks earlier this month. it seems the nephew of the couple and his drug addict friend (Stanley Bedford) were involved. it also seems that the main culprit was the nephew, Jerry Fuller, and Bedford likely was an accomplice in need of support for his addiction, the one that assisted Fuller in the gruesome act. and yet the State struck a deal with Fuller that gave him 127 years in prison and used him to testify against Bedford at trial in exchange for no longer trying to kill him. still, they are desperate to kill Bedford and it all starts tomorrow morning at 9:00 a.m. in a seventh floor courtroom (716) at the District Court in Albuquerque (4th and Lomas) (hint, hint).
oh...almost forgot to mention something. Fuller...he's white. Bedford...he's black.
and speaking of taxpayer funded death...the boy king is very much against it. which is why he vetoed a bill that would help advance science and give countless families hope by promoting research in stem cells. in support of his use of the veto (which apparently only comes out when something good comes out of Congress) the child declared the bill would ahve compelled taxpayers to fund the deliberate destruction of human embryos for the first time in the nation's history. well...I for one am glad to know that while my tax money will not go to support the destruction of embryos that will never become humans anyhow and will otherwise be thrown out for HASMAT to pick up. especially considering an obscene amount of taxpayer money already funds the death and destruction of actual human beings through "advanced" weaponry, warfare, lethal injection, warfare, extreme poverty, warfare, torture, warfare, etc. priorities people...seriously.
those big bad labor unions are at it again. now they are trying to set up a bill (which will be vetoed...because it is good) that would allow for unions to form when 50 percent of workers sign the card saying its a good idea. of course the conservative elite are up in arms with their collective panty in a hizzle over it. a head staffer for a big shot elephant (you can tell they are different because there is an "R" after their name rather than a "D"...other than that, basically all the same) declared that it is a horrible idea because the union leaders are known to intimidate people into voting for the formation of a union and the poor workers would be frightened into doing it. yup...that's always historically been the problem...labor leaders have intimidated workers into collective bargaining...its always been the labor leaders that have called in troops to crack skulls and murder those poor management/corporate types just trying to make a living. because if there is anything we have too much of in this is worker's rights...for christ's sake, they can buy bread, what the hell more do they want?
which brings me to a realization I have come to (and yes...I know I am very slow on this, but I wanted to believe, I really did). any politician connected to Big Business (read any politician) that supports a guest worker program is in it for one reason and one reason fuck you. the same reason they all gave us NAFTA (remember that wonderful NAFTA that Al Gore pushed and abandoned his environmental beliefs for...that wonderful NAFTA that Clinton shoved down our throats to the elder Bush's glee) fuck you. see, supply and demand goes out the window for these types the second it means that workers will benefit. they claim that these people will do the work that "Americans won't do" and use it as justification to bring them in legally. but here's the isn't that we won't do the is that we won't do it for subhuman wages. so if the "free" market worked properly...doesn't that mean that they should raise the wages for these jobs until enough people are willing to do them for the pay offered? apparently not...instead they continue to use "globalization" and "advancement" as an excuse to erode your pay while pushing costs up on you. and everytime you vote for a Republican or a Democrat that is what you support...a good old fashioned ass fucking of yourself.
he don't have to say it, so it don't bother him...
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