Just some kid from the Chicago suburbs that moved to the southwest, went to law school, and ended up confronted with shifting ideals. My thoughts...boring and unedited.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

trigger happy cops, shitting on the constitution, and spineless representatives...

the other day I was speaking with a witness in a case that proposed a test designed for the human olfactory in picking up the scent of raw marijuana leaf under certain circumstances. this witness also proposed utilizing officers in the test because they are officers and they are sworn to tell the truth and therefore would be honest...a laughable string of logic for anyone who has ever had contact with law enforcement. in reality, they are just as full of shit as the rest of us, and often the wrong type of person is drawn into the work...and they are more full of shit then the rest of us. of course the prevailing attitude seems to be that cops are good, honest people much moreso than the rest of the general population.

and so, when chicago officers gunned down an 18 year old kid by putting a bullet in his back, the story that he was pointing a gun at them (apparently they feared he was a hell of a shot with his back turned) will likely be taken as truth and no criminal charges will be filed...fourth amendment be damned. now, those of us here in albuquerque are no strangers to trigger happy cops...it seems like once a month APD or BCSO puts a few slugs in some guy, whether he be brandishing a screwdriver or robbing fruit stands. and murder charges never seem to result...

now contrast that with the story of a young all-american boy from texas. this kid joined the marines and was in-front of the front lines in iraq. did his time half a world away fighting in an imperialistic and un-american war...and then came home to continue his work for the country by carting around warheads to and fro, often leaving his wife and newborn at home for a week at a time. one night he comes home late from a trip and is sitting down to have dinner...noises outside, grabs his gun (which of course he has for just such an occasion pursuant to the 2nd amendment - or so the republican assholes will tell you) and steps into the front yard. he is immediately greeted by a caricature of a burglar, complete with black cap and black gloves with the knowledge that his wife and newborn are inside. he does everything he can to apprehend the man (unlike our friends in law enforcement), including struggling with the drugged up and drunk individual for some time. eventually, the would-be burglar winds up dead from a gunshot wound...and the local DA's are pissed the grand jury would not indict for first degree murder and instead just went with second.

so there you have it...cop shoots running kid in back...cop gets paid leave. marine, nuke currier does everything to apprehend burglar and shoots in chest in a position that indicates the arm was raised as if pointing a weapon...charged with murder. if only he had a local badge...he'd be a fucking hero.

speaking of civil rights going out the window...congress has again decided to try and cut a little thing called the fourth amendment out of the constitution (ironically at the same time we were being told republicans used nypd like hoover used the fbi). good thing they were sent up there to reign in the boy king and his minions. none of these fuckers have any balls to step up and do what is right...all too worried that when the inevitable attack comes again (which it will...when you continue to poke a hornets nest for centuries, usually you wound up stung...and when stung, I can't imagine why the response would be to poke the nest harder) they will catch the blame if they don't skirt the rule of law and democratic values to save democracy by destroying it. here is betting that when the next nasty thing happens, nobody will seriously listen to the one voice that will stand up and say "told you so...you keep fucking with fire and you are going to get burned"...but every media outlet will give more than ample air time to the asshole saying "told you so...we need a dictatorship police-state or else the terrorists win."

which makes the words of a certain wisconsin representative all the more refreshing...and stirs memories of a certain mysteriously killed in a plane crash senator from minnesota. steve kagen got to washington and turned down the government health care that is apparently is wonderful for our congressman, but would be a disaster for the general population. in having the balls to point out that the folks in congress do not represent you or I (shortly after we learn that the GOP thought john kerry would be a good fit and that bush money men are moving over to bill richardson - all clear signs that democrats are just as out to rape you as republicans) representative (one of the few that have earned that title) kagen put it in simple terms...

"if every congressman had to go to bed hungry, we'd solve the hunger problem."

amen to that rep. kagen. so in the spirit of solidarity and togetherness...here is a challenge to congress...either you are with us or you are against us. turn down your pay raises, your perks, your benefits, your pensions, everything. live like the millions nationwide that only make it paycheck to paycheck. throw yourselves into the "free" market you praise so highly...and I guarantee poverty, lack of health care, poor education, crime and the like will be properly addressed.

but then, we all know that is a pipe dream...they'll just continue to fuck us over with a faux-empathetic glance a la bill clinton as long as we continue to agree to send them to washington. throw them all out...well, not all...keep this kagen guy around.

am I losing my soul?


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