I can't take the world no more - pass me another cup...
try something interesting...get on google and check for animal shelters in your area. now check for shelters for homeless youth. discuss...
high school kids are apparently proficient in "economics" (which is basically the bullshit study of how things don't actually work in reality - three cheers for another generation of mindless corporate drones) - of course when it comes to areas of study that will actually help improve the quality of life for the nation, well, they pretty much are fucking morons. so there you have it...national priorities...understanding where you come from and the context of events while being able to analyze and understand the world around you? who needs that. being able to read the bottom line and laugh at the growing number of paupers...now thats just good edumacation.
kids automatically think food is better if it has the golden arches on it. some fuckhead was on tv this morning talking about how it is the parents fault. so here we go again...all about personal responsibility while ignoring community responsibility and corporate responsibility. if we are going to say corporations are entitled to the same protections as people...shouldn't they also have the same obligations?
last night a friend asked me what would happen to me if the draft was re-instituted...my first thought was I would wind up in federal prison. have a feeling I would see some of you there...
barack obama is the biggest disappointment of my generation...apparently changing the culture in washington meant shifting the brunt of our militarism a few nations over...for those of us that listened to your early rhetoric mr. obama, I offer you this heartfelt message...fuck you.
libertarians are not liberal. please stop telling me they are.
the boy king won't raise taxes...and if congress tries, he will veto it. in related news...the boy king won't fund the gi bill so that the young american's lives which he royally fucked up can afford college. wouldn't want to lose too many of them to college...that would be a shame. seriously...what good is an educated citizenry? then who will buy macdonalds?
and back to militarism...now people are getting criticized for their children not joining in the violence and killing...when was the last time a candidate was asked why their kids didn't join the peace corp instead of the war machine?
I take comfort in knowing that when it all falls apart, I have a connection to the elites in ecuador...
apparently the boy king is healthy...not very surprising that the stress of the job isn't getting to him...he hasn't really been on the job for more than a day or two here and there anyways.
headline in the ny times..."US Set for a Crackdown on Illegal Hiring"...but the employers won't get their due. instead, workers will get fired and parents will be shipped off away from their kids. hooray for xenophobia! if there are any immigrants we don't want in this nation, it sure as hell are the ones that got jobs and are contributing...especially those ones that insist on community...that's just plain un-american.
the administration is feeding us propoganda on why iran must become the next failed state and breeding ground for hatred of "our way of life" (is it really a surprise that people would hate a way of life that was basically just hollow consumerism wrapped around militarism without any sense of community, family or a true moral compass? I mean...I'm just posing the question). I am just wondering why they are bothering...really, it isn't like the boy king and his minions give two shits about you and I anyways...
had the unfortunate opportunity to catch some of drew carey's sad new game show last night. one question posed was about a duel between cheney and the responders...as in who thought they would shoot him before he shot them. I'm just wondering how many that answered that cheney would get the bullet walked around daydreaming all day...
I hear al gore is liked more than the dems in the race somewhere out east (I can't remember which state, and it doesn't really matter)...so to those people I have just one comment...al gore is a conservative shitbag. I'm not saying that hilary or obama or richardson or edwards (who talks a good game but I just can't take seriously yet...although he may have had a RFK transformation) aren't shitbags. just pointing out that al gore is also a shitbag. when it mattered, when he had an opportunity to really do something about it, the environment took a backseat to big business and the almighty dollar...ain't NAFTA grand?
if you had any doubt that the economy is strong...the boy king just asks you to look at ebay. its very existence is proof that you are better off. please just ignore that you have no health insurance, can't afford gas and there is no public transit, your kids schools are failing to teach them anything but supply and demand, have no pension to speak of, and have seen your wages stagnant for decades while the cost of living keeps rising, not to mention you really have no job security anymore. ebay is out there! what the fuck else do you want in life? seriously...you can get a michael vick dog chew toy...and you want your health and security?
but all in all...as pissed off as I should be this week...I've been doing a hell of a lot of smiling recently...
pass me another cup...
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