more tax cut lies, the importance of the judiciary, and who would jesus leave out?
the boy king and his hoard of sheep willing to do only the bidding of the uber-rich rather than the american public are yelling about how the unfair alternative minimum tax needs to be fixed NOW or else too many families will be caught up in it. as always...when republicans talk about taxes, you can safely assume they are totally full of shit. the AMT is not really the problem they make it out to be. the theory is fantastically american (and oddly, christian). it is designed to make sure that the wealthy don't skip out on paying taxes (which they themselves obviously benefit the most from since they have garnered the most wealth from the system made possible by tax dollars) by getting creative with their accountants. unfortunately, it was put in place ages ago and does not get adjusted for inflation. now that the conservative's fiscal irresponsibility has left us fucked with quick inflation, more and more are being caught up in the AMT. here's the thing...this was totally foreseeable, even decades ago. so ask yourself this...when the republicans were shoving tax cuts that the american public did not want down their throats a few years ago, why did they not fix the AMT? why, when they were so concerned about cutting taxes for the wealthy did they not show some concern about cutting taxes for the middle class? the answer is simple...because doing it this way makes it easier to fuck you in the long run. tax cuts become self-perpetuating - even with the public not supporting them. and the result, the government is crippled. your environmental regulation ends. your health care gets yanked. your social security disappears. your housing disappears. your school crumbles. the uber-wealthy...their kids get a shitload of money they did nothing for and they pay virtually no taxes while reaping the most benefits from the system your taxes pay for. welcome to the new america...
and as the "elected" branches continue to care less and less for public opinion and the needs and wants of the american people (not to mention any semblance of what is actually right) the judiciary may be the last stronghold of the american way. often it has taken the courts to step in and slap "elected" officials around and force the government to live up to its purpose and its most solemn declaration to uphold the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. the courts are sticking up for your economic and physical health while the conservative assholes in power try to strip it away. congress has no problem making anything and everything a crime if a pen used in it crossed a state line at some point, but the boy king is claiming the government can't regulate emissions. the courts are crying bullshit, and they are demanding the administration either fix it, or tell us why it won't (so that the courts then tell them to fix it anyways). it is the kind of thing that must make thurgood marshall smile from above...and makes it ever more important for us to pay attention to the folks that are being awarded robes.
why is it that none of the candidates which claim to be christian have anything approaching an approach to immigration that would not buy them a ticket to hell? drivers licences, schooling, health care...everyone seems to be clamoring to show how they are not for giving anything of the sort to undocumented persons (including kids). ask yourself this...when was the last time a society was worse off for educating the people living within it? how is it ever proper to deny children health care? what happened to "all" being created equal? has anybody read the inscription on the statue of liberty any time recently? would a man like jesus have anything but contempt for people that excluded the poor and downtrodden with pride? this country was founded on undocumented was made great by undocumented immigrants. this country absolutely needs immigrants. stop being afraid when people have such a desire to get a better life by coming to afraid when they stop coming, a process already underway. when that happens, the economic and cultural giant that is the united states will no longer enjoy hegemony.
this town needs a fire...
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