Just some kid from the Chicago suburbs that moved to the southwest, went to law school, and ended up confronted with shifting ideals. My thoughts...boring and unedited.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

conservative justice and proudly progressive Obama...

the boy king's administration is seeking to murder six men on allegations of their involvement on 9/11. in a nation that prides itself on the rule of law, due process and the truth that it is better to let 9 guilty men go free than send 1 innocent man to the gallows, the current administration has opted for kangaroo courts that are designed for one purpose and one purpose only - to make a fair trial and acquittal an impossibility. Colonel Morris Davis, the man that would have been chief prosecutor at the Gitmo trials, resigned when he realized the process was rigged - an embarassment to all that america claims to stand for. (to the credit of the american armed forces, it has largely been men and women like colonel davis, the men and women of the JAG corps, that have been some of the loudest voices in opposition to the sham justice being offered by the boy king and his minions).

colonel davis quit his post after being pressured by boy king appointees to pursue the sexy cases during the period before the 2008 elections. recently, he published an op-ed and stated that he "concluded that full, fair and open trials were not possible under the current system...the system had become deeply politicized and I could no longer do my job effectively." remember, his job at the time was chief prosecutor for the gitmo tribunals...think about that for a moment - the man in charge of getting convictions thought the process was so unfair to those charged that he could not do his job. that is a frightening indictment. davis's position came about after a political appointee was moved ahead of him in the chain of command, william haynes, a man who had declared that acquittal was not an option. as davis told the nation "[haynes] said these trials will be the Nuremberg of our time" - except when davis explained to haynes that nuremberg gained legitimacy through fairness resulting in acquittals of some of those charged, haynes's "eyes got wide and he said, 'wait a minute, we can't have acquittals. if we've been holding these guys for so long, how can we explain letting them get off? we can't have acquittals. we've got to have convictions." that's right, the man in charge of the tribunals, put there by the boy king and his minions, has declared that the process absolutely must not result in acquittals. hence, we have waterboarding, the death of habeas, evidence never seen by the accussed, and any all the other tactics of the gulag. and so we have three prosecutors (all members of the JAG corps) requesting out because when they tried to tell their superiors that the evidence against the accused was paper thin they were told "they didn't need evidence to get convictions." and so davis, a man of apparent integrity (something greatly lacking in the world of the conservative movement), resigned from his post rather than participate in a process that made a mockery of what he was sworn to serve. welcome to the america of the conservative movement...

which brings me to my next point - Obama is becoming much prouder of his progressive tendencies...and it is a refreshing reminder that the american people have been yearning for a voice that beckons the better angels of our nature. in what was supposed to be an attack, karl rove recently said of Obama's speech after smoking hillary yet again in wisconsin that "he used the opportunity of 45 minutes on national tv to advocate a distinctly non-centrist, even proudly left-wing, agenda." (insert gasp here). that's right - a democrat actually had the balls to basically stand up and say "Yes, I'm liberal, I'm progressive. so are the vast majority of americans. and I'm damn proud of it." unfortunately for rove and his puppets, the american people have seen what the conservative movement offers them...lonesome poverty, crumbling schools, gated communities they cannot enter, pink slips, fear, homelessness, war and tyranny. and so we have someone that appeals to the true america - one of community, togetherness, equality and fundamental fairness...and we embrace him - democrat, republican, independent...and it drives rove absolutely crazy. here he spent a lifetime building a "new republican majority" - only to see his poster child lead it off a cliff. and the horrors of all horrors may result - a true liberal, a black man, a new dealer back in the white house.

michelle obama said what so many of us feel and what so few national figures have the balls to admit...for the first time in a very, very long time, we have something to be proud of in this nation - and it is the growing movement of progressive togetherness behind her husband's campaign. on behalf of the enormous numbers of us that are proudly progressive - thank you barack.

fired up. ready to go.


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