Just some kid from the Chicago suburbs that moved to the southwest, went to law school, and ended up confronted with shifting ideals. My thoughts...boring and unedited.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

in clinton’s america it is good to be a black man...

nothing says old establishment democrat like bigotry...and now we have more confirmation (as if we needed it) that hillary and the people she surrounds herself with are chalk full of it.

twenty years ago ms. geraldine ferraro uttered these strom-esque words about jesse jackson - "if jesse jackson were not black, he wouldn’t be in the race." comments very becoming of the first woman to be on a major presidential ticket. apparently comments so indicative of the kind of character hillary looks for that it earned her one of hillary’s top spots in the campaign and status as a major fundraiser.

well, twenty years later, and ferraro being one of clinton’s top advisors, one might expect her to at least have learned some tact and begun to hide her bigotry...unfortunately that apparently did not happen. mirroring a statement she made in a radio interview days before, this time within earshot of written press, she declared for the world that barack obama is lucky to be a black man in america:

"If Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position. And if he was a woman (of any color) he would not be in this position. He happens to be very lucky to be who he is." yup...obama best thank his lucky stars that he was born to a kenyan father, had dark skin and is named barack hussein obama...because that inevitably gets you far in america. nevermind that black men suffer unemployment more than any other demographic group in america (white women over age 25 - 2.5 to 4.7 percent depending on marital status - black men over age 25 - 6.6 to 10.5 depending on marital status). nevermind that being a black man makes you more likely than any other demographic group to wind up arrested, prosecuted and in prison (see below)...

nevermind that there have been how many black senators since reconstruction? three if you count the lucky duck barack obama (who might I add...was challenged by another black man - the voters didn’t have much choice). five if you want to count the two from reconstruction. in the current senate alone there are three times as many white female senators as there have ever been black senators of any gender.

yup...it’s damn lucky for barack obama that he is a black man in america. we should all have it so good.

inevitably, these frighteningly rove-ian limbaugh-esque comments created a bit of a firestorm (thanks clinton camp - for ensuring that there are currently two republican assheads running for president). somewhat reminiscent of the hysteria that the clinton folks created after one of obama’s top advisors called hillary a monster (which, it seems, may not have been so far off). of course, ms. power was off the campaign the next day. clinton’s response to such bigotry from one of her right hand women? not much. after a few days of silence, she "rejected" the view. (surely she recognized the amusing aspect of her failing to both reject and denounce support, and advice, of a bigot after attacking obama for not both rejecting and denouncing the voiced support, without advice, of an anti-semite...of course plenty of jews are crackers too, and we are all scared of a militant black man...so I guess when a white woman voices bigotry towards black men it isn’t so scary). well...she didn’t "reject" at first, she only "disagreed." a few days later she "disagreed and rejected"...so maybe in a while she will get to rejecting and denouncing.

and while clinton failed to do what a true leader would have done (pretty much her m.o.) and quietly hoped it would go away rather than taking out the trash. although eventually ferraro would quit the campaign - it would not be with an apology (since she is "absolutely not sorry" for her hatred of black men) - and it would not be before she came back with the ultimate cracker comment - "Racism works in two different directions. I really think they’re attacking me because I’m white. How’s that?"

yup...we are attacking you because you are white. it has nothing to do with your blatant racist bigotry declared in support of a major presidential candidate. it has nothing to do with your inability to fathom that if any demographic in this nation is "lucky" to be who they are - it would never be black men (unless you consider joblessness, lower pay and incarceration as wonderful benefits). it has nothing to do with the shame that you have brought upon the democratic party (which is difficult to do, since we all know how shameless they can be). it has nothing to do with how incredibly and astonishingly fucking moronic your comments were and continue to be. it has nothing to do with the fact that in a race where we should be celebrating that a woman is running against a black man, you instead attempt to throw us back in the 1800’s.

ms. ferraro - you are being attacked because you are a bigoted shitbag. it is just that simple.

although you did get one thing right (as stated on Daily Kos) - obama would not be in this position if he were not a black man...

If he were a white man...

the race would be over...

and he’d be the nominee.


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