Just some kid from the Chicago suburbs that moved to the southwest, went to law school, and ended up confronted with shifting ideals. My thoughts...boring and unedited.

Friday, April 11, 2008

bill admits hillary not up to task, mccain as nixon, and torture? (check one)...

bill clinton went on a rampage about how unfair the media has been to hillary...the nerve of those news types, actually calling a clinton on their bullshit. bill was all indignant about the reception that hillary's lies about her experience received from the media (rather than a pat on the back they felt it necessary to point out that the woman claiming "experience" as a feminist role model was sadly riding the coattails of her cheating pig of a husband...seriously, why do feminists like this woman?) when he was speaking in pennsylvania recently. after going on and on about how she had to go the front of the plane and some people were ready with flack jackets (apparently because the little girls with flowers might be hiding AKs) bill hit the jackpot...again. in calling out the media he wished upon them that "some of them, when they are 60, they'll forget something when they're tired at 11 at night too." so there you have it...bill is admitting that hillary is old and forgetful when it gets past her bedtime. but I wonder...fuck, if she remembers phantom shots at 11 p.m., what the fuck is she going to do when she gets that call at 3 a.m.? hell, she's likely to remember phantom attacks and send the world into a nuclear holocaust.

it's the same old bullshit from hillary. she can take what the republicans will dish out because she is tough...and then she cries on the primary campaign trail. she was against NAFTA all the way...just ignore that section of her book when she says it was good for america. she's ready on day one...but she got shnookered by the bushies into voting for an unjustified war. she can answer the 3 a.m. call...but four hours earlier she was already forgetting huge life events. your time has passed...leave us alone.

mccain wants us to believe that if we just give it the ol' college try we'll win. we heard a lot of this from the likes of nixon and johnson back in the day. and here I thought we had "finally kicked vietnam syndrome." unfortunately, we now have a fuckbag that was tortured as a pow voting to allow torture and kill habeas who is telling us that we still need to kick vietnam syndrome. and we can do it too! we're americans for fuck's sake! we are invincible if we just don't accept defeat! american exceptionalism once again rears its ugly head...always seems to go hand in hand with militarism and financialization (right before the fall). heard a lot of the same shit a few decades ago...how surges will work and more firepower would end it. a long marble wall of dead kids later...we apparently still need to learn the lesson.

a CIA source has finally stepped forward and let us know what we all already knew...the bushies were heavily involved in ordering torture. we've come a long way since nuremburg haven't we? used to be, we held before the world that leaders who ordered horrible acts of deplorable inhumanity would be held accountable for the actions taken at their behest. now...we have torture demonstrations for the highest officials in government so they can give the thumbs up for them all. nevermind that their actions are a capital offense under the united states code...nevermind that anybody that knows anything about gathering information knows that torture gives you crap...nevermind that there will never be the "ticking time bomb" scenario from 24...nevermind that there was a time when we at least pretended we were above these things...they want us to believe the world changed on 9/11 (it didn't) and that we have to travel to the dark side (we don't) to prevail over our enemies (self-made and armed).

order torture and you get promoted and a nice job in the white house. get addicted to crack and you do 20 years. wonderful.

random olympic fact of the day - the united states has vastly greater numbers languishing in prison than china...even with china's massive overall population advantage. so I'm just asking...where should we direct our outrage?

it's hot in the poor places tonight...


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