hillary "misspoke" her experience, religious tokers, and bullshit immunity for a badge...
just how much of hillary’s "experience" is based upon lies? oh, right, she isn’t lying, she’s only "misspeaking." the clinton camp has wanted us to believe that she somehow has this vast foreign policy experience (which in itself isn’t much of a selling point considering the foreign policy wogs are the fucknuts that got us in this disaster in the first place) from her time as a first lady (most likely because if you look at her experience and not that of her husband it doesn’t amount to much more than a few foundations and less time legislating than her opponents, with a little corporate boardroom thrown in on top...just what we need, another hack of a "liberal" that will bend over for walmart). the latest being her big speech in which she "misspoke" about her trip to bosnia, claiming to have landed amid "sniper fire" and having to run with her head down to get to the base. funny thing hillary, there are pictures of you with your daughter (which raises the question, if this were such a high priority foreign policy trip wrought with danger, why the fuck is your teenage daughter with you?) calmly hob-nobbing with an 8 year old girl in front of smiling suits (and not a single soldier in sight) at the same time you claimed to have been running for cover from the constant sniper fire. so there you have it...hillary for president - when a little girl in a ponytail calls the white house at 3 a.m., she’s equiped to answer the call...
oral arguments were heard before the tenth circuit concerning some purportedly religious tokers this week. the church of cognizance got busted with a few hundred pounds of pot...their claim being that for them, marijuana is not only the tree of life, but it is the deity itself. now before you roll your eyes and claim "bullshit" know that the founder has spent his life researching this, even teaching himself cuneiform to brush up on zoroastrianisn, the oldest known religion, and decipher what truly is the "tree of life" from said sect. through a lifetime of research, he determined it was marijuana - a belief that evolved into marijuana also being the deity incarnate. and so he registered a religion based upon "good thoughts, good words, and good deeds." and so marijuana is a sacrement that is the cornerstone of their religious belief system...and the border patrol arrested them and charged them with trafficking narcotics. forgetting for a minute that it is entirely assinine to outlaw marijuana while celebrating alcohol...why the fuck are we spending our tax dollars on going after some old burnouts that went through 20 years of trouble to develop a way to legally smoke pot. even if the religion is a crock of shit...anyone willing to go through that much trouble for a joint deserves the right to enjoy it without harrassment. for fuck’s sake, these folks earned it...
the supreme court agreed revisit the issue of "qualified immunity" once again. for those of you that don’t know, "qualified immunity" is the fun doctrine that lets cops run all over your civil rights, lie about it in court, and then you are basically just fucked. any other person commits a wrong against you and they are subject to civil suit and damages...governmental agents do it, and they are immune from everything. I ask you a simple question - how the fuck does this make sense? you want to make sure that law enforcement obeys the commands of the constitution? make it hit them in the pocket books, because I guarantee you the worry of suppression doesn’t do shit to keep them in line - especially when they have spent generations perfecting the art of "testilying." it will never happen, but governmental agents and agencies need to know that illegal actions don’t pay just because you have a shiny badge from the taxpayers.
don’t ask me where I heard it first...
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