Just some kid from the Chicago suburbs that moved to the southwest, went to law school, and ended up confronted with shifting ideals. My thoughts...boring and unedited.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Is she seriously this oblivious?

The following is a column by Toby Harnden of Britain's Telegraph. (Yes, I've been too lazy to make my own observations as of late, I'm tired, and I'm getting in shape, so suck it up - besides, when a column opens with an Apollo Creed reference and then spirals into I'll-bite-your-kneecaps-off, how can you not share?)

Hillary Clinton can't see that it's over

By Toby Harnden in Chicago

Which movie is Hillary Clinton? In Pennsylvania, she liked to compare herself to Rocky, before it was pointed out that the plucky pugilist eventually lost to the black guy, Apollo Creed.

Her supporters also like The Comeback Kid, for the title, if not the plot about a minor league baseball coach.

Back in January - which seems like aeons ago in this extraordinary Democratic race - I thought she might be the Glenn Close character in Fatal Attraction, who kept springing from the bath to confront Barack Obama (played by Michael Douglas) every time you thought she was dead.

Far less charitably, the blogger Andrew Sullivan has compared the former First Lady to the girl in Carrie whose hand emerges from the grave, and even the horror-movie stalwarts Freddy Krueger (Nightmare on Elm Street) or Jason Voorhees (Friday the 13th), who terrorise beautiful teenage Obama supporters and refuse to die.

But after the former First Lady's nine-point win in Pennsylvania, I'm convinced the "epic movie now on final reel", as yesterday's Chicago Tribune put it, without plumping for a particular title, is in fact Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

Or, more precisely, the scene in which Arthur - the Obama character - confronts the Black Knight (Hillary), lops off his arm and declares: "Now stand aside, worthy adversary."

But the Black Knight, like Hillary, refuses to succumb, declaring "'tis but a scratch" and it's "just a flesh wound" as Arthur dismembers him. "I'm invincible!" the Black Knight, by this point just a torso, declares finally. "The Black Knight always triumphs… I'll bite your legs off!"

Hillary is in this race until - as her husband, Bill, likes to put it - "the last dog dies". She won in Pennsylvania, but by every yardstick she faces virtually insurmountable odds in her quest to win the Democratic nomination that the Clintons consider theirs by right.

What would have been a series of fatal blows for any other candidate was delivered by Obama back in February when he cruised to 11 wins after holding Clinton to a score draw on Super Tuesday on February 5.

Her strategy had always been to wrap up the nomination that day and she had no plan for the weeks afterwards. Capitalising on his prodigious fund-raising, legions of young supporters and far-sighted grassroots operations in remote states, Obama swept the board.

Despite the howls of indignation from the Clintons about a collective media swoon over Obama, the press - as well as the Democratic Party - gave them the benefit of the doubt.

If the roles had been reversed, the establishment pressure on Obama to drop out for the sake of party unity would have been almost unstoppable.

Use of the plural when contemplating Hillary's candidacy is not a cheap jibe. As this race has gone on, it has become clear that this is a co-campaign, just as, presumably, it would be a co-presidency if Mrs Clinton returned to the White House in 2009 or even 2013 - a more realistic goal for her.

They have a dysfunctional marriage - they see other a handful of times a month as they campaign separately in different states - but politically they are as one, if not always quite in sync.

The reasons why they fight so tenaciously might not be the same. For Bill, it is redemption and salvaging his legacy; for Hillary, it is payback for the years of humiliation and her loyal support. But they are both "in it to win it", as Clinton said - and boy, did she mean it - at the outset.

In their desperation to win, however, the Clintons might well end up destroying themselves - like the Black Knight, who refuses to step aside when mortally wounded - and fatally damaging their party's chances against John McCain, the Republican nominee, in November.

Already, they've injected a subplot worthy of The Godfather into the contest. Bill Richardson, who was given two cabinet posts by Bill Clinton, was denounced as a Judas for backing Obama.

Similarly, the Clintons are said to refuse to speak to Senator Claire McCaskill of Missouri, also in the Obama camp, because two years ago she remarked of Bill: "I don't want my daughter near him."

A Clinton aide said John Kerry, the 2004 nominee, was "dead to us" because he'd publicly criticised the former president.

In trying to defeat Obama by falling back on conservative white voters, the Clintons have alienated black voters by playing the race card.

Clinton has also branded the liberal activists who defended her husband during impeachment as zealots who "flooded" caucuses and "intimidated" her supporters.

In appealing to conservative voters by threatening, on the eve of Pennsylvania, a nuclear attack against Iran, she further alienated anti-war groups.

With Hillary's coffers almost empty, a Clinton victory could be achieved only by a top-down coup d'Ă©tat in which super-delegates are cajoled into overturning the will of Democratic voters.

Party leaders feel this would an unthinkable - and suicidal - thing to do to their first black nominee for the White House.

The end of the movie is apparent to all but the Clintons. For the Democratic Party, this is turning into Night of the Living Dead.


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