all shook down...
exxon was upset that it only made $11,000,000,000 last that pace, every thing they make after june will be pure profit. and here's betting that any "gas tax holiday" will make those profits even higher as prices will not drop at the same percentage as the tax.
and mr. mccain and mrs. clinton would like you to please ignore how many american's are put to work by the gas tax...and that it plays a vital role in building and maintaining the transportation infrastructure in this country...
because who needs a job and roads?
people are still pissed off that rev. wright quoted a former ambassador as saying our chickens have come home to roost. funny thing...the cia, formerly run by the boy king's father, has been saying the same thing for years...only they call it blowback. where's the furor at the bushes?
we are supposed to be shocked and horrified that some religious folks down in texas included pregnant teenage girls - proof that every family in the community needed to be broken up. does that mean we are going to go into the inner city and rural areas and break up every family within a 5 mile radius of a pregnant teen?
since we are exporting all our manufacturing jobs and not much else (except capital at an alarming rate and the machinery of death), I wonder if we couldn't seem to export the New Deal with it...
the conservative fuck-ups are right about one thing - the american worker is vital to the world...because we buy all the shit the world makes. so why is it that they are hell bent on destroying the purchasing power of the american worker?
seriously...are the kids working for 10 cents a day in china gonna be buying this shit when we can't afford it anymore?
and when that happens...what happens to the global economy?
all I'm saying is that anyone with a MBA, anyone that studied "economics" recently...well, they're probably a moron. but sometimes it is really hard to figure out that making lots of cheap stuff won't help if there isn't anyone to buy it.
hidden story of the week - iraq is telling the united states we won't be getting our hands on their oil funds because we owe a debt to them. hope you weren't planning on any help in paying a few really, really, really rich corporations a few hundred billion more in your hard earned money to fund the war/occupation. boy this neo-con thing keeps getting better doesn't it?
hasn't anyone noticed that the people that tell us the private sector can do everything more efficiently and cheaper than the public sector are the same people that are using our tax dollars to pay private contractors ten to twenty times the income of soldiers in the publically run armed forces?
are you finally realizing that economic growth is not the same as economic strength?
and has anyone else noticed that we have quietly become the next of the global hegemons to rely on military conquest to prop up the economy?
how many millions of manufacturing jobs have left now due to republican policies? abe lincoln weeps every time they refer to themselves as the "party of lincoln."
but if you go by the boy king's numbers, it isn't that many manufacturing jobs that are gone...after all, stacking a patty and some pickles and lettuce on a bun covered in ketchup and mustard is considered manufacturing a hamburger to them.
imagine you are the leader of a nation that is threatened with "total obliteration" in the next ten years...wouldn't you be trying to make a nuke too?
hillary recently took a drive with a regular old joe to the gas station...followed by a convoy of gas-gussling suv's...think about that for a minute...
worried about how you are going to make ends meet? don't fret, the fed is dropping interest rates again! because nothing "shores up" an economy like lower interest works much better than rising employment.
and don't expect those rates to help you out much...Big Banks will just pass them on to you through higher credit card rates.
so you saved ten bucks in your cart of stuff at walmart last night...of course 10,000 americans are out of work and lost their pensions for that ten bucks...and some folks are working without any protections for 30 cents a day for that ten bucks...still feel good about it?
shouldn't we be concerned when the two biggest industries in the country are making killing machines and caging people like animals?
nelson mandela is on the terrorist watch list.
if ghandi were still alive...he would be too.
hillary better hope that obama supporters don't really start "vetting" her...
god help us.
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