if you're gonna be a terrorist you best be American and trying to take down commies...
three Americans were caught in Vietnam in what the government suspected was a terrorist plot to bring down the communist government (you know, the one we "defeated" a few decades ago...guess it's just in its last throws, right Rummy?)...for a year the Vietnamese government held them without charges. seeing as how they are communist, it validates Winston Churchill's declaration that a government with the power to cast a man into prison without formulating any charge is in the highest degee odious and the foundation of all totalitarian government, whether Nazi or Communist...so far so good.
well, apparently the Bush administration did not take kindly to folks being jailed for terrorism without being charged...no, seriously, they didn't...really, stop snickering, this is not a bit from the daily show...they were pissed. so just try and forget for a minute that this man pushed through legislation that gives him the power to hold folks indefinitely without charges (and has, in fact, been doing that on a large scale for the last five years...although it isn't so much as detaining as it is torturing, beating, killing, etc...but that's just symantics, he prefers to call it "due process")...and forget that the man insisted torture be codified so that the efforts he had been authorizing which were clearly in violation of international law and the federal statute against torture (which makes torture a capital offense...along with some dozens of other federal crimes...only government in the "civilized" world to have so much as one capital offense)...just remember that when three Americans were accussed of being terrorists against the communist government of Vietnam (the one that was defeated) the administration put some serious pressure on the Vietnamese government to make things go quickly and fairly (you remember those good old American values right? speedy trials and due process...I know it has been awhile since they applied, but think way back to the year 1 a.b. - after bush - and you will remember when the constitution still applied).
so these three Americans got a trial finally in Vietnam...and the American consulate even sent a couple observers to make sure everything went peachy. (you remember consulates right? those folks that every nation is required to notify when any foreign national is jailed by them...well, if you were Mexican and charged with a capital crime in the United States you would remember - if you hadn't been killed yet that is, by the only "civilized" nation to execute individuals - because you have probably been asking the consulate be notified ever since you got arrested but this administration has been ignoring its obligations and your requests). and they were convicted, for terrorist activities that were bent on bringing down the government...and with the Americans looking closely and nudging the Vietnamese along towards entrance into the WTO (wouldn't want folks in global organizations that don't follow basic fairness and due process and humanity...that's why the Republicans want us to pull out of all global organizations, then we don't have to listen to people tell us to be fair, and give due process, and show some humanity...we're America for fuck's sake, we would never do anything but God's will, he talks to our president you know) they were sentenced...to time served.
so there you have it...if you are going to be a terrorist, make sure you are an American citizen and trying to bring down the commies that the American government already "defeated" thirty years ago and that is trying to get into the whole "globalization" (neo-lib/con for "stay in your place Africa, Asia, South America, and the Middle East") and you will be guaranteed a speedy trial, due process and some leniency. just make sure that the illegitimate government you are after isn't being supported and propped up by the United States - or at least the Carlysle Group, Haliburton and KBR - or you may find yourself in the hands of the Americans, and then who knows what will happen...you can forget about your consulate, and we just codified the death of habeas so you can forget about having actual charges against you made, and we know that due process isn't coming since torture is not only condoned, it leads to admissible evidence, and forget a jury, unless your peers happen to be military-intelligence hardasses...
with that in mind...let's reexamine what Mr. Churchill said in 1943...
"The power of the executive to case a man into prison without formulating any charge known to the law, and particularly to deny him the judgment of his peers, is in the highest degree odious, and the foundation of all totalitarian government whether Nazi or Communist." well...apparently communists can be fairly easily pressured to change their ways...so I guess it doesn't really apply to commies anymore...which leaves Nazis. hmmm...no charges, no jury trial...uh oh. now I'm confused...the government we "defeated" in Vietnam gives rights our government doesn't and our government takes away rights that were taken away by the government we actually did defeat in Europe in the 1940s...
guess that settles it...Bush is a Nazi.
if you tolerate this, then the your children will be next..
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