Just some kid from the Chicago suburbs that moved to the southwest, went to law school, and ended up confronted with shifting ideals. My thoughts...boring and unedited.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

the death of a party came as no surprise - thoughts after the election...

finally, the American people stood up and told the Republican Party it had miserably failed with the opportunity it was given...the world is rejoicing with us (except for bin Laden, his business really took off with Bush being able to count on nods from Congress no matter how moronic his policies)...

I never imagined this country would get so incredibly far off track and be so far down the crapper that I would celebrate a victory for the Democrats as a triumph...just remember boys and gals in blue, you did not win so much as they lost...and you're next...

has Obama announced yet?

Mr. Santorum...Mr. Casey has your ass...the good folks of Pennsylvania have asked he hand it to you...

assuming Virginia also follows the advice of the US Air Force and crosses over into the blue...I'm buying stock in kneepads because there are 50 Democrats and their staff that are going to need them when talking to Joe Lieberman about staying in the caucus...

Katherine Harris...we'll make a deal with you...you stay away from the national scene, and the rest of us will forget you ever happened...it will save everyone a lot of embarassment...

Mr. Limbaugh...the people of America and the world thank you for being you...if it weren't for asshole windbags like you, Talent might have pulled it off...

seriously...is Obama official?

to the people of Montana...you should have dragged it out...your 15 minutes are up...and thank you...

as rumors circulate that indictments are forthcoming in Ohio for some folks involved in election "irregularities" (right wing for "federal felonies"), the state is trying to redeem itself by doing its part to swing the senate...

white folk in Tennessee still don't like the idea of black folk speaking for them in Washington, especially if he flirts with a white woman...

wonder if Obama could take Tennessee...he announced his candidacy yet?

kudos to Vermont for sending a socialist to the senate in a double burn for the Republican Party in the state...

so what happens if George Allen wins...and then his staffers get indicted for voter intimidation?

the Republican Party of the millenia, pork, war, theft from tribes, war, handouts to the insanely rich, war, dismantling of the constitution, war, war profiteering, war, blank checks, war, rising poverty levels, war, environmental degredation, war, torture, war, the death of habeas, war, drunken cybersex with young men, war, covering up drunken cybersex with young men, war, profiteering on illegal land deals, war...did I mention war? proof yet again that absolute power corrupts absolutely.

and a little power corrupts a little...but we forgive you Obama...so are you running?

here's wondering if Bush actually realizes there are people that out there that realize he is a disaster now that his policies dismantled his party...

here's wondering if Bush was sitting there all night watching the returns screaming at the television "DIDN'T THEY NOTICE SADDAM IS GOING TO HANG! DON'T TELL ME WE HELD THE VERDICT UP FOR NOTHING!"...

even if Rev. Haggard likes to poke a man now and then...the right is still ridiculously homophobic...

except down here in New Mexico, where they came out and voted again for Heather Wilson...perhaps because they confused her with a white man...

ever notice that Obama's facial structure looks a bit like a young Abe Lincoln? did you say he is officially running?

war criminal tic-tac-toe...one down...two to go...got a bed for you in Bubba's room Mr. Rumsfeld...

Hillary Clinton is not the answer...

unless the question is "name the Democratic hopeful who's election to the presidency in 2008 would most strongly indicate the lesson of history is that we do not learn the lessons of history?"

how fucked up is it that with all the glee the number one thought continually bouncing through my mind is "all he needs to do is stay alive"...and that it is a serious concern...

and if you need to know who "he" is...you haven't been paying attention...but no need to fret, his announcement will come soon enough...

finally the tables are starting to turn...talkin' about a revolution...


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