alex p. keaton, porking in the front yard, and fuck bush...
michael j. fox has been lending himself to campaigns of candidates who are intent on supporting scientific advancement (remember that thing we used to lead the world in...before we "found" jesus...well, selectively found jesus, because nobody wants to discuss what jesus said about helping the least among us, or about abhoring violence and war while blessing the peacemakers, or about loving your neighbor, or about not coveting, or about not being afraid, or that hording material wealth will never buy your way into heaven, but it might very well buy your way out). the republicans have responded with attacks on michael j. fox (ah...the poetic irony of it...the man most famous for playing the roll of an arrogant young asshole republican now campaigning against them and they attacking him for having parkinsons) and complaining that he was "acting" his parkinsons and exagerating the effects it has on him...and to make their point they are using folks like rush who is claiming fox purposely did not take his meds (but you must excuse rush, because he believes that when a doctor says one every 4 hours he really means 4 every one hour) and major league baseball players, because they obviously know what it is like to suffer from parkinsons. my question...what the fuck difference does it make? as if any of that would somehow lesson the desperation of being a prisoner in your own body and the horror of watching yourself deteriorate, unable to control your most basic movements. once again the conservative movement is showing just how wrong it is...there is an all new level of hell for these folks...they sit there with their eyes and ears taped open and al franken giving lectures for eternity...
the new jersey surpreme court got tired of its state being known for crime and an odd it did something Republican leaders would declare un-American. it ruled that you don't stop being human just because you are in love with someone who happens to have the same plumbing as you. yes, that is right, the jersey supremes had the audacity to declare that when we say "all" in documents like constitutions and declarations of independence, we actually mean all...they even went so haneously far as to declare that people in love with people of the same sex are entitled to...brace yourself...the same rights and benefits as those that are in love with people of the opposite sex...where did these folks get such a far-fetched idea?
the best part of the opinion...the three dissenters did so because they did not think the court went far enough. they demanded marriage for gays, not just equal benefits and rights under a different name. never thought I would say this...but I think I would like to live in jersey...
important information for "christians" and conservatives that honestly believe gays wanting recognition of their life-long, loving and committed relationships is what is causing their family to fall apart...perhaps you missed the true reasons your family is that your paycheck doesn't go quite so far anymore and you being forced to work two jobs means you spend no time with your family, or that the stress from an ever increasing tax burden is causing marital problems since you aren't lucky enough to be in one of the about 200 families that actually got a tax break, or that you argue all the time because you are so damn hungry since you have to skip meals to pay for your kids health care, or that your pension is gone while the CEO made off with a hundred million, or that your spouse is in a warzone half a world away because of bush's failed experiment in the middle east, or that your spouse has returned but cannot deal with the horrors they witnessed.
as a friend said this attention to what makes a difference in your life, it isn't like they are porking on your front lawn.
bush said something that was meant to be a jab at kim jong il..."the leader of north korea likes to my judgment, what he's doing is testing the will of the five countries that are working together to convince him there's a better way forward..." putting aside the fact that bush's judgment has not exactly been on, or even moral, throughout his entire life...anyone else notice how very fitting that statement would have been a few years ago if "north korea" was replaced with "united states" and "five countries" with "the rest of the world save tony blair"...but that's ok mr. president, just keep staying the course without staying the course.
bush also actually noted that there have been problems with his little iraq experiment that has cost a few hundred thousand folks their lives...even went so far as to say he shares the "disappointment" of many in this nation. um, mr. bush, it isn't so much "disappointment" that we feel as utter horror at the atrocity you have unleashed and profound shame that it is being done in our name. just thought you should know...for future reference...
he went on to say we couldn't let that "disappointment" (or horror and shame) become disillusionment over the "purpose in this war." hmmm...and what might that purpose be? the wmd's that either were not there or that you let escape to the black market because they weren't located in oil fields? or maybe it was the threat that saddam was to his iran...good thing they don't have to worry about him anymore. or maybe "liberating" the iraqi people - you know, that showed up after every other reason proved to be not true - of course I can't find any definition of "liberate" that includes torture, bomb, maim, and rule over...but maybe your dictionary comes from the same publisher as your bible.
but fear bush has given us a new purpose not to be disillusioned a football game. that's right...bush compared an illegal and devestating war to any given sunday. just out of curiosity mr. bush...when the fuck did "not losing" enter the lexicon of noble causes to die for?
fuck you.
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