having a direct line to god means never having to say you're sorry...
so that horrible tyrant that rules north korea with an iron fist, forcing millions of his people into abject poverty without allowing them any basic rights while wasting the nations dwindling resources on military expenditures that actually make them less safe and pissing off the world community did something unthinkable...he apologized...for testing a nuclear device. suddenly all that talk from the right-wing nutjobs that claim to be our "representatives" about how crazy kim jong il is and how he is a ticking time bomb seem a little more like needless belligerent posturing (conveniently while their poll numbers are dipping to all-time lows).
so that horrible tyrant that rules the united states with an iron fist, forcing millions of his people into abject povety without allowing them basic rights while wasting the nations dwindling resources on military expenditures that are actually making them less safe and pissing off the world community...well, he hasn't apologized for shit. not for the hundreds of thousands of iraqis who are dust thanks to his war, not for the thousands of american families who will not see their loved ones again, not for refusing to dignify their sacrifice with so much as the simple acknowledgment of their flag-drapped coffins (perhaps he is ashamed of our soldiers), not for the tens of thousands american service men and women who are now maimed, not for the war itself - launched as a test case for remaking the middle east in his grand vision (not in any way a noble cause), not for stealing from the poor of this country and handing the money to his obscenely rich friends, not for working to undercut the child tax credit and take it away only from those in the lowest tax brackets, not for attempting to rewrite discrimination into the constitution, not for leaving millions of american children behind - perhaps because so many of them happen to be minorities, not for breaking every international promise this country ever made - except those involving the needless slaughter of innocents, not for working to increase the number of nuclear weapons at his disposal while decrying any attempt by anyone else to garner those weapons (until they already have them...then, regardless of how tyrannical you may be and how much you hate freedom and individual rights and liberties, you can be our friend - especially if you are conveniently located near the global gas station)...and the list goes on and on. so tell me mr. bush...what exactly is your criteria for membership in the axis of evil?
kim jong il apologized for testing a nuclear device. for testing one. perhaps that does not seem incredible to you...until you note that you cannot think of one other instance in history where a nation, especially an "evil" nation has apologized for testing weaponry. so the axis of evil apologizes for testing nuclear devices underground...i wonder when the japanese people will get their apology for our "testing" a couple nuclear devices over the heads of their women and children.
no, our nation has never apologized for the world's only nuclear attacks...and yes, this should deeply shame you.
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