Just some kid from the Chicago suburbs that moved to the southwest, went to law school, and ended up confronted with shifting ideals. My thoughts...boring and unedited.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

a little less serious...

Being that the newest season of America's Next Top Model is well under way I am certain that many of you are wondering what my pick for the winner is (seeing as how I have now been correct by week 2 the last 4 seasons). Unfortunately, I am not watching the show this season. I saw all of about 5 minutes of one episode during a Bear's game one Sunday night and noticed one picture I was certain would be of the winning girl...but I have no idea who that girl was. So call your bookies and let them know you won't be placing that bet afterall.

There are some conservative blowhards that like to get on this and claim that Abraham Lincoln said the following in support for their assault on democracy..."Congressmen who willfully take actions during wartime that damage morale and undermine the military are saboteurs and should be arrested, exiled, or hanged." Only there is a little problem with their claims...Lincoln never said it. It was written by J. Michael Waller, a conservative attacking Democratic congressman in an article for Insight Magazine in December of 2003. He claims it was a "mistake" by a copy editor that took the title of an article and put quotation marks around it. So rest assured...Lincoln was no fascist asshole.

Speaking of Lincoln, one of my all-time favorite quotes of his that conservatives never bring up is this..."What is conservatism? Is it not the adherence to the old and tried against the new and untried?" Yup...Lincoln was a liberal kook. Put that in your pipe and smoke Republican assholes.

In case you did not notice...it's official...the United States of America officially ceased to be when the President signed torture and the loss of habeas and just about every other important right into law. Seriously Bush, you need to go back and read your oath of office again...or at least have someone read it to you.

My Cubs (yes, they are mine...and any other true Chicagoan understands) hired Lou...which means I will inevitably picture Keanu slumped against the hospital door with his wrists slit as Lucifer decends to personally take his soul to hell whenever he is shown on television. Regardless, the century mark is fast approaching...and if I can't take pride in the utterly inept actions of my President and his cabinet, at least I can take pride in the ineptitude of my sports teams.

Except for the Bears that is. Makes me wish I was a kid again...in '86 when they won it all (yes, I know, the '85 season...the '86 Superbowl) I was in grade school. We got the day off of school and had a pep assembly. Sad, most likely, but in the midwest you don't have much else to do.

Heard something frightening yesterday...one would have to work approximately 150 hours a week at minimum wage to find affordable housing in Denver. So as long as we have 4 parent households, the conservatives are right...the minimum wage is fine. But then that would really fuck up their "family values" thing since I don't think they are into moresomes...at least not publically...unless it is a handful of teenage boys.

Over the last few years injuries to workers overall have dropped significantly...except for Hispanics...for them it is up 75 percent. And this is the results of racist, xenophobic policies presented under the guise of "national security." We are allowing employers to fail to protect workers, or at least help them out after failing to protect them adequately...as long as those workers speak Spanish and have brown skin. Not sure about you...but that ain't the America I signed up for.

A friend of mine is a registered Republican...mostly for the laughs. Heather Wilson has been inundating registered Republicans with all sorts of hilarious mailings concerning Patsy Madrid (and rightfully so...Madrid is a moron. I often picture Heather Wilson sitting there like that old SNL skit of Dukakis saying "I can't believe I'm losing to this lady!"). Seems to me Republicans are getting worried...and rightfully so now that their christian base sees them exposed for the incredibly blasphemous fucks that they are. That, however, does not mean we should vote Democrat...because they tend to be fucks as well (except for Obama...and really, he is more of a New Whig anyhow). So kick them all out...vote New Whig.

Ski season is approaching...and with the hell that has become my country, it is about damn time.

with a soul just so brave, your freedom we will save, with some rifles and grenades and some help from god...


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