while they steal from Americans I wonder when the president will get to work...
here comes a shocker so brace yourselves...the administration is letting oil and gas companies off the hook to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars owed the people of America. of course this time they made a rather pathetic attempt at showing the American people whom they were robbing weren't getting the shaft (which seems to be the basis for every policy they support these days...one wonders if they sit around the oval office and their congressional suites - wonderboy pages in tow - and ask themselves "will this fuck over Americans enough in favor of our elite rich friends? because if not, we need to rework this...especially if there is a way we can undermine the Constitution while we are at it...that would be peachy").
the interior department made a token showing that it was attempting to collect the royalties oil and gas companies owed...of course they only asked chevron for few million...well below what they owed under their contract. (and bear in mind that this is for drilling rights on public land...which means the oil and gas they are pulling up is your oil and gas...and basically they are getting paid, by you, to take your oil and gas and then sell it back to you for record profits without ever so much as giving a penny back to you). interesting how the contracts that this administration doesn't see to are the ones that require oil and gas companies to pay a little for taking public minerals before selling them back to the public and those that involve military-intelligence companies with traditional ties to the occupants of the white house and its underground bunker.
see how much this administration cares about you...they are giving your shit away to their friends so their friends can charge you for it in return. where I come from this is extortion, blackmail, theft, immoral, etc. but again, I must have read a different U.S. Code and Bible then they did.
speaking of stealing from Americans which this administration likes so much to do (like when they take the common wealth taken from you and give it back to their rich elite friends who then squirrel it away overseas)...I was under the impression that George Bush's job was to be President of the United States...is that not what we pay his salary for? granted his salary is peanuts compared to the backroom "contributions" he gets from those oil and gas companies that don't have to pay royalties to take your property before selling it back to you anymore and from the military-intelligence-industrial complex that make off like bandits with all the contracts in Iraq which they don't actually have to complete anywhere near effectively...still, one would assume he might have the courtesy of at least doing his fucking job whilst destroying our nation and the world. I mean, is that seriously too much to ask?
apparently it is. this child is running around the country as if his sole responsibility is to run other's campaigns for them rather than run this fucking country. all of this while 100 plus families saw their loved one's come home in a flag-drapped coffin (if they were lucky enough to be at the airport, because Bush won't let there be pictures or video taken of those soldiers returning...but keep ignoring his refusal to dignify the sacrifice these folks made, many without so much as the proper tools and support to protect themselves, let alone the people in Iraq because he says he feels your pain...so much so that he ignores it), while a few million American children fall below the poverty line and health insurance is now just a dream for the American worker, while old folks board buses to head across the border because his drug plan actually was another excuse to steal money from old Americans and give it to his rich drug company friends, while lady liberty cries and wonders how the words on her plague came to be so denigrated that America would build its own Berlin Wall (conveniently only on the southern border where the brown folks cross more than the northern one)...I think you get the point. the country is going to shit...the man's war as experiment is a debacle...and what is his answer...hit the campaign trail for his shitbag friends and try and tell the country that you have nothing to fear except everything, especially if democrats win.
the most enraging aspect...he is campaigning against democrats because they don't have a strategy for Iraq. um...georgy boy, just out of curiosity, what the fuck has your plan been for the past 3 years while almost 3,000 Americans died and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis perished? roll in, be greeted with rose pedals and be out in a few months...then just stay the course. is it just me, or is it more forgivable that the people that did not get us into this mess don't have a clear way to get us out than it is for the people who dragged us into this horror to have absolutely no fucking clue what they are doing?
incomptenence kills. this asswipe posing as a leader needs to go...and waiting until January, 2009 is no longer an option.
with all the changes to the script the plot is getting thin...
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