Just some kid from the Chicago suburbs that moved to the southwest, went to law school, and ended up confronted with shifting ideals. My thoughts...boring and unedited.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

now he'll cooperate, New Mexico in the Axis of Evil, and in the business of racist murder...

so the people of America came out on tuesday to slap that stupid grin off bush's face and take away the "political capital" which he apparently thought he had earned after losing the popular vote once and squeeking in a second time, thanks to two of the worst run campaigns in history. remember all those years ago when he rode into washington declaring himself the great unificator and letting us all know he would work across party lines to get things done. turns out he meant across inner party lines to make sure that everything possible to retain power and push an agenda that a large majority of his constituents disagreed with through without opposition. well...now he doesn't have the mindless sheep of the republican party to count on in giving him anything and everything he wants, no matter the consequences and with no worries to little nicities like constitutionality and morality...and so NOW he wants to unificate again, he says he will find common ground and work with democrats and be bipartisan and all the bullshit we heard from him before...such a cowardly flip-flopper. here's hoping the Democrats shove this victory right up his ass (which may already be full of something...ever notice how he walks around like he shit himself all the time?) and force him to veto bills that are good for the American people and that the American people support...step aside Mr. Elephant, an ass is coming through and the rhino is charging fast...

even if Rummie is gone (and speaking of Rummie, travel tip for you Mr. Rumsfeld...stay within the borders of the US, the folks at the Hague would love for you to touch down in their jurisdiction...and the sight of you pulling the same shenanigans that Milosevich pulled as a defense would be too much fun) folks are still worried that an invasion of Iran is in the works. but they have it all wrong...you don't have to go halfway across the world to find a region rich in oil and gas, loaded with nuclear weapons and with ties to the axis of evil...you just have to stop before you hit the Berlin Wall, er, border. that's right...New Mexico is next, and us good democracy loving folks down here need to be liberated from the oppression of a leader with dark skin, dark hair, a funny accent and access to thousands of nuclear weapons...

all those trips by Bill Richardson to hang out with Kim Jong Il and his friends, they weren't to try and convince the north koreans to straighten up their act, they were collaborative efforts to expand the axis of evil now that Saddam was out of the loop. and it makes perfect sense...we all know the mexicans are trying to steal New Mexico from us (even if being the rightful owner to property is an affirmative defense to theft in any jurisdiction), a large portion of the state sits over oil and natural gas, and with the ties to that loony in north korea, we cannot afford to sit back and wait for the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud. or, in the case of New Mexico, some 3,000 mushroom clouds...for god's sake, after the United States and Russia, New Mexico has the largest nuclear arsenal in the world...and with their un-American acceptance of bilingualism they will likely give them to Hugo Chavez who obviously hates the American people, I mean, why else would he provide them with things like gas to heat their homes just because their own government would rather they freeze to death? besides, it's been what, three years since Bush started a new war...the tough guy cowboy hasn't become a yellow-bellied coward has he?

texas killed another black man today...their fourteenth of the year, with another scheduled for state-sanctioned murder before the year is out. 24 individuals have been killed by the state of texas in the last year (soon to be 25)...take a wild guess how many were white? five. 20 percent of inmates executed in texas this year will have been white...60 percent will have been black and the other 20 were hispanic. 80 percent of texas executions this year will be minorities...

and it gets better. none of the 5 white men who were executed were convicted of killing other white folks. only 5 of the murders which led to executions were of blacks...and all of those executed also happened to be black.

this leads to one of two conclusions...either minorities, and specifically blacks, have something inherent in their makeup that pushes them to commit henious violent crime...or the system is racist. funny how the only folks that would take the former over the latter are themselves, by definition, racist assholes...

two centuries later, still struggling for equal protection to actually mean equal protection...


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