a float, lobbying for new mexico, and suv's...
i took some time off of paying attention to the rest of the world in order to nurse my own selfish depression...apparently that brought some people amusement...glad i could help you have something to read/discuss...and now to my usual gripings...
i missed the tournament of roses parade (god knows what number annual parade this one was...too many). apparently it rained...god forbid, flowers glued onto makeshift statues and such got wet...the horror. here is the part about it that i found appalling...new mexico, as in the state (for those of you that are unaware, new mexico is a state located between texas and arizona, just south of colorado, it forms the southeast corner of the four corners area - a complete waste of time if you are thinking of going and are over the age of 7 - yes, it is state...we are not a part of mexico) had a float in the parade. didn't win any awards...apparently the judges don't appreciate a mixed hispanic/indian/pueblo/anglo culture. i think the governor rode on the float (imagine that...bill richardson out of the state making a name for himself nationally instead of doing what he was elected to do here...who would've thunk it). seems the state shelled out $155,000 to make that float. true, this is not very much money in the grand scheme of a state budget...but something tells me 150 grand could go to better use in such a poor state with such miserable schools. just a thought...but then i'm not the governor...
speaking of spending state money and good ol' bill richardson...seems he hired a lobbyist for the state...seeing this on the front page of the paper this morning made me crinkle up my face, tilt my head and say "aaaarrrrrhhhh?"...what does it say about the state of our government when states are sending lobbyists on their own behalf to washington. that's right, states...as in the mini-sovereign bodies of the united states...as in the entities that send representatives by the hundreds to fill up the halls of congress...those states...sending lobbyists...to that congress...filled with their own representatives...to lobby for their benefit. does this make sense to anyone? how incredibly messed up is this country if the very entities that send representatives to a legislative body to, well, represent them, need to then spend tax money to pay people to go to that legislative body to, well, represent them? wha? every day i lose more hope...
maybe i will move back to my kingdom...when i was in high school i notified the white house i would be seceding from the union and forming my own kingdom...i am looking for some loyal subjects...unfortunately i moved since then...
new study out says that kids are no safer in suv's than in passenger cars...my guess is that is because there are a lot of people in big-ass suv's that can't drive for shit...i am always amused at the soccer mom/dad that spent 50 grand on a 4wheel drive giant, but when there is a dusting of snow on the ground they drive around like they are in a pinto...which leads me to a plea to new mexico/colorado drivers...figure out the left hand lane thing...it you aren't passing, aren't speeding, or are just a moron...don't use it...save us all some grief...
i'm still caught by surprise...
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