more anti-Americanism from conservatives (or remember when Buchanan was a joke?)...
Anyone else remember when Pat Buchanan declared that a wall should be built along the southern border to keep those pesky spanish-speaking-brown-skinned-hard-working folks from mexico out of god's chosen country? Anyone else remember when that became a punchline of his bid for the presidency? Well...know Pat Buchanan is the voice of reason from the anti-American conservative movement and the same country that declares on its greatest symbol of freedom to "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me. I lift my lamp beside the golden door." is now trying to add "unless they are brown and trying to come here to find a job and better their situation and the lives of their children." The un-American conservative movement is pushing for some Berlin Wall style fencing along the southern border...because if there is anyone we don't want in this country, it is most definitely hard-working individuals with close-knit families yearning for freedom and a better life (that would just cut against everything this country stands for). There was a time when America prided herself on being a refuge for those seeking freedom and opportunity, there was a time when America embraced those willing to work hard and contribute, there was a time when America stood by the age-old Christian values of helping those in need, especially your neighbor. It seems the conservative movement is hoping we forget that time and that America.
We sure do love our capitalism here in much so that our own health is deemed a commodity subject to the whims of the great "law of supply and demand." According to conservatives, while health and welfare of the entire population should be subject to the "if you can't afford it you don't deserve it" cut-throat competition, government contracts and armament expenditures should be protected from that competition because it would be inefficient (and by "inefficient" they mean "not putting enough money into the hands of companies associated with our movement...especially those associated with the Carlyle Group because Bush's daddy works for them). The end result, companies receiving the equivalent of hand-out contracts from this administration (interestingly enough, many of them tied to KBR/Haliburton and the Carlyle Group) have been doing shoddy work and being paid hand over fist for it. (And remember when this administration told us Iraqi oil would pay for all of this...not so much, turns out your taxes are paying for incompetence). Good thing we kept competition out of reconstruction efforts.
If you believe the un-American conservative is treasonous and "appeasement" to insist that those who swore an oath to uphold the Constitution and Laws of the United States actually abide by some of the most long-standing rules associated with the Constitution and Laws of the United States. They want to push through a deal that would officially put in the United States Code that the executive branch can spy on American citizens without a warrant for 90 days. That's alright, who really needed that pesky Fourth Amendment anymore anyhow.
And the new torture bill is a peach compliments of the conservative movement and their fundamentalist bullshit. There was this little thing that pretty much started the common law system which you may have heard of...been around twice as long as the Constitution itself and incorporated into the Constitution...its called habeas corpus and it allows for those being detained to (and yes, this may seem outrageously inconvenient for a fascist and/or authoritarian/totalitarian state) actually show that said detention is for a reason. Out of that right rose the modern system of governance, based on individual freedom and opportunity, which we all take for granted. But now, after some 500 years of acting as the last resort to fighting tyranny and ensuring freedom remains (sounds rather American doesn't it?) the modern conservative movement has decided it has out-lived its usefulness. Afterall, the US government (especially this administration) would never wrongfully detain anyone. Just ask the countless people that have been exonerated by DNA evidence, or the Canadian man subjected to torture and life inside a coffin, or the three British youths recently starring in docudrama documenting their times at Gitmo for daring to go to their friend's wedding.
So let's check again at how in tune with American values conservatives are these days...
- a free press capable of informing the citizenry and checking abuses of power...not in their value system
- due process and basic rights dating back to the Magna Carta when it comes to accusations against you...not in their value system
- two adults sharing and publically expressing their profound love for each other and the strength of their bond...not in their value system
- equal access to the political branches through non-diluted voting strength of minority groups...not in their value system
- an independent judiciary capable of checking abuses of power and unconstitutional acts...not in their value system
- embracing one's neighbor and the peoples of the world seeking our shores for a better life...not in their value system
- ensuring that those that work for a living are entitled to earn a living...not in their value system
- fair competition for government contracts...not in their value system
just out of there anything American that is in their value system?
October 5th, send a message.
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