this is your america...
george bush is going to show those nasty mean leaker people (like the one in his own administration he vowed to so heavily go after before realizing who it might be...oops) by unclassifying a useless portion of the NIE which has been reported to say the war in iraq has set us back in the "war against terror" (which is actually just an excuse to outwardly bully a part of the world we tried to sneakily bully ever since Reagan cut and run in Beruit - yea, thats right all you right-wing fuckheads...reagan mastered the cut and run in the middle east which emboldened our please, shut the fuck up on the matter). in response he says the american people can read the document for themselves and see what it says. but by "the document" he means about 10 percent of it...and the 10 percent that is being declassified is basically the executive summary. remember the last time bush tried to tell us about an executive summary of an NIE involving iraq? it had something to do with absolute certainty of weapons of mass destruction in iraq and a connection to al quada...of course that was not quite true, and even then the NIE executive summary had been severely edited by the vice president's office. turned out, if you read the whole damn thing there were all sorts of reservations and "maybe"s that the president kind of left out on the march to war. so when this executive summary piece comes out and says it might be some trouble now...i tend to believe the actual meat of the report is pretty damn incriminating. and bush's "read it yourself, but only this little piece of it" bit just reinforces that.
which brings me to a recommendation for an addition to the federal code. presidents must be sworn in prior to starting a press conference...that way when they lie it will be perjury. and if we can get clinton to go through the process for perjury about getting his dick sucked (and yes, i still believe perjury should qualify for impeachment) then we can get this fuckhead for perjury about just about anything.
a lawsuit was filed in dearborn, michigan against the government and the company responsible for medical treatment of prisoners there. seems an inmate who was completely insane did not get his medication as absolutely necessary to combat his severe bipolar tendencies. instead they stripped him naked and strapped his arms and legs down to a steel bed before allowing him to die soaked in his own urine. but yea...torture of detainees picked up for terrorist activities (maybe) only happens when a few "undisciplined" and "untrained" privates get involved.
speaking of...anyone else notice that the people trying to claim it was only "undisciplined and untrained" privates that caused this embarrassment (and apparently countless others we are now learning of) never seem to question the leadership that would have sent "undisciplined and untrained" personnel to do such an important job? but hell, i guess you don't go to war with the army you want, you go with the army you have...of course you could always not go to war if you don't really have to and you don't have the army you want available. but that might make too much sense...and then you would have to focus on things like the global terror organization that truly is a threat to the security of the united states. and who really wants to do that when you can have a good ol' fashioned war to run over a weak state before igniting an insurgency to draw you to a lenghty stalemate and kill tens of thousands of your soldiers while slaughtering millions on the other side. we needed another one of those...its already been a few decades for christ's sake.
conservatives are really mad that bush got called satan by a democratically elected leader who he tried to have overthrown. (kind of like how another not-quite democratically elected leader tried to have his daddy killed and bush took to comparing him to evil incarnate...tit for tat asshole). of course when rev. falwell pulls out the satan theme against a certain useless senator from new york...they chuckle and claim it was just a joke, no need to be mad. although i do suppose mr. falwell probably has an inside track with lucifer and might know who his minions really are.
conservatives are up in a hizzy over bill clinton again. funny...election time closing in and they are working themselves up over a man that is not running and has not held office in 6 years. right about the time the american public is informed what we all already knew anyways...that iraq is making the threat of global terror worse. convenient hey mr. president? message for conservatives pissed about bill the time it took you to get re-energized over this putz a few more families in the heartland found out mom or dad will be home before their tour is a box. and another couple dozen iraqi families tried to put the pieces of their mother and sons and daughters back together to bury. all because of the unnecessary war launched by your leaders in direct conflict with domestic and international law. congrats.
remember when george bush was preaching about the use of steroids in professional sport and how it was horrible for our kids and we would get serious about cracking down on it? well, a couple of reporters went out and wrote a hell of a book about steroids in baseball...told the american people what the government wouldn't...did the investigation that the government either wouldn't or couldn't. they got sentenced to a year and a half in federal prison for it.
and yes...i am a strong advocate for secrecy in the grand jury...but when reporters start being sentenced to federal prison for not revealing sources you know what comes next? every freedom you have. if reporters start being comes reporters talking to avoid jail comes whistle-blowers no longer talking to comes all sorts of horribly un-American actions that you will never know about, corruption, blowjobs in the oval office, cronyism, unconstitutional acts by your government...and nobody to talk about it...nobody to force the hand of those acting wrongly. three things absolutely vital to protecting all of the other rights we have...the vote (which conservatives and democrats are trying to take from you) independent judiciary (which anyone who cries about "activist judges" is trying to quash)...and a free press (which theoretically will inform you so that the others work as they are supposed to...and they are finally starting to do their job rather than clap to the beat of the war drum). any of those goes and america no longer will be america. all three are under attack from the conservative movement in america, a movement democratic leaders want you to find "common ground" with. remember that in november.
love won't be the end of us...
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