Just some kid from the Chicago suburbs that moved to the southwest, went to law school, and ended up confronted with shifting ideals. My thoughts...boring and unedited.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

women anchors, secret prisons, and crooked politicians...

awhile ago when katie couric was given the job as nightly news anchor on cbs i was baffled and promised to treat her with just as much disdain as i the other major network anchors that found it convenient to abandon their roles as journalists in a supposedly free society in favor of marching to the war drum beat to show support for the president as he sent innocent young men and women off to kill other innocent young men and women in the most un-American of escapades...a war of choice. if couric ends up as useless as a provider of truth as the others were, i will stand by my promise to look down upon her...but i recently had to question my immediate reaction and wonder if there was not something else beneath the surface...if i was not, at least in some way, responding from my male-domination bullshit and assigning her traits unsuitable for serious journalism. and even if i was assigning those traits based on her previous work...was that work not a direct result of the incredibly sexist stereotypes which type cast her into bad morning coffee tv to begin with? with that said, i apologize to couric for jumping on the "bash katie bandwagon" and for thinking she was a lightweight...but make no mistake, if you fail as your predessesor did towards the end, you will again become a target of my disdain.

bush admitted we have secret prisons abroad. a big "no shit" to the fuckheads in the white house. perhaps the most disgusting thing is he seems to be proud of presiding over this mess, over incredibly un-American actions and draconian interrogation tactics without any of the rights our society has declared are absolutely necessary for any semblance of a fair trial, which is absolutely necessary for any semblance of a free society. but do not worry my fellow americans...we really aren't that bad of people...the CIA assures us that it has been less than 100 people...and they are the worst of the worst that have been subject to this "program." and all the tactics were approved by the justice department so everything is working in accordance with law (just try not to think about all the tactics the justice department approved of publically prior to this that actually were against international and domestic law...HEY LOOK! TERRORISTS! THE THREAT LEVEL IS ORANGE! - what's that you say? what was i saying about tactics...don't worry your pretty little head about it...ain't your concern.) the intelligence community and this administration would never lie to us, so all is well. gosh...when will congress get around to authorizing tar and feathering for all terror suspects like the president asked anyways? afterall, if he asked for it it would be treasonous and akin to nazism to question it...right rummy?

former illinois governor george ryan got 6 1/2 years in federal prison. as a former illinois resident let me say this should be a warning to tom delay and anyone else out there that has been a crooked piece of shit over the years...if they can bring you down in illinois and send your ass to federal prison they can do it to you. (of course it helps to have an honest US attorney in the state you reside in...one that won't buy into the illegal bullshit that tries to get pulled by the justice department in D.C.).

if we're searching for peace, how come we still believe in hatred as the catalyst?


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