Just some kid from the Chicago suburbs that moved to the southwest, went to law school, and ended up confronted with shifting ideals. My thoughts...boring and unedited.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

torture is laziness, hurry up and kill, and bush's global security...

torture just won't go away will it? i must admit, as an american who believes in things like due process, humane treatment, the bill of rights, civilized behavior, the sanctity of human life, etc. (you know...good old american values) i find it incredibly disturbing and somewhat surreal that our congress is debating torturing people after our president (the "leader of the free world") really wanted to continue torturing people, american and international law be damned. what the fuck has this country come to? when did becoming barbarians become the way to save civilization? what's next? putting suspected terrorists in huge arenas and making them reenact civil war battles and fight lions and tigers and bears (oh my)?

here is the thing about torture and inhumane treatment...it is laziness that does not breed results. see...if these assholes are as terrible as we claim they are, they are no doubt expecting horrific treatment and torture when they are captured...thus this won't do a damn thing to them. as the fbi learned after the 1993 wtc bombing, what they weren't expecting was good old fashioned american police work...isolation from contact but for law enforcement, and humane treatment...a building of trust followed by a spilling of information that leads to capturing key folks. but apparently that is not the concern now. word on the street is that after khalid sheikh mohammed was captured we went right into the hard shit...threats and violence. didn't work. then it was threatening the lives of his children...guess what...didn't work. now we got a guy that won't talk for shit and that we can no longer try other methods (proven methods) on...the biggest waste of an asset in american history. hooray for torture!

jeb bush was in a hurry to kill someone so he rushed it along hoping the supreme court wouldn't get in the way of state sanctioned murder again. see, the supremes told the lower courts they had to hear a man on death row concerning whether or not lethal injection was cruel and unusual...only they really didn't want to, so they sped it through and jeb reissued the death warrant asap. what exactly are we trying to protect from terrorists again? but i guess none of that matters when your brother gets all the bragging rights at family gatherings for having killed hundreds through judicial channels and hundreds of thousands through preventive war...just some good, healthy sibling rivalry.

bush addressed the UN on global security issues...but warned iran that if it doesn't fall in line behind the great world protector of the united states it will face consequences. what exactly those consequences will be i am uncertain...i guess we could always try and occupy yet another country in the region. or maybe cut and run in iraq so that we can take out iran (kind of like afghanistan to iraq see?). seems by "global security" bush means a world gone proliferation mad filled with leaders with itchy trigger fingers and paranoia led by a sole superpower bent on destroying itself and taking the rest of humanity with it. just wondering...but if sole superpower status of the united states is so good for the world...how come since it came to pass there has been so much genocide and war?

violence with guitars...


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