student loans, obama, and the french...
whether or not it is an attempt to save money lost on tax cuts that made no sense whatsoever, the government is cutting back on the availability of student loans and grants and all the fun stuff that makes it possible (sometimes) for people to attend college. it is already too difficult for too many to get the funds for schooling (as many of you know, student loans just don't cover the cost of school and living anymore) and this will most likely mean many more poor students give up on the dream of post-secondary schooling. i will never understand why we have such a problem adequately funding education in this country...we'll throw billions down the drain on projects that will likely never pan out the way we hope, but we won't give folks the money they need to learn. (sigh)
speaking of student loans, i will now complain as a token privileged kid about repaying student loans (as if i can complain, a middle class kid with a law degree from a state university). still, even in a field like law, too many people that want to do good, that want to work for the benefit of those that need it most find they cannot when their schooling is just can't live and pay your loans back on a public interest lawyer's salary. in fields like indigent criminal defense, health care for low income families...where you would think american values would dictate we have some of the best and the brightest...through mounting student debts and salaries too far below the private sector we ensure that even if those talented few give their services they won't stay long. kind of my same gripe with teaching i suppose.
obama was on the daily show the other night...that man is just brimming with charisma and's almost like if bill clinton hadn't been such a douchbag. let's hope washington doesn't grind him down...
the french are still at it. clarence page wrote an interesting article today about racial problems in western europe. it's one of those things that can remind you the potential that this country has...if only we could fully recognize it.
i still love love to watch you sleep...
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