more jibba jabba
when did we get to the point that young girls are sold shirts that advertise degrading and objectifying messages about women? everyone's favorite "as close to kiddie porn as you can legally get" store, abercrombie & fitch, is catching hell again...this time from a group of young girls calling for them to pull shirts marketted towards them with messages such as "who needs a brain when you have these?" written across the chest. feel free to jump on the bandwagon and stop buying any of their clothes...
some big fights in the senate shaping up...closing the doors to the public, mini-scalias, threats of filibuster (as such a fun word to would think we would get more of them anyways)...all the fun stuff that makes partisan politics such a disaster. so much for being a unificator huh dubya...
syria is running into some problems...a good old "go to your room" moment from the UN. they are in trouble for allegedly having a part in a political assasination...the western world isn't very comfortable with that. or at least, on that particular day they weren't. see, despite "civilized" countries having used political assasinations since time began (sometimes conveniently called a "war" or "invasion" or "regime change") they think they have set such (to steal a term from pundits) "super stare decisis" (like some decisions get a gold star for being at the front of their class) that it is unquestionably against custom and has so widely been condemned (despite it's not exactly infrequent use) that the west deems it part of natural law at this point. i am not a fan of political assasinations, or any assasinations or killing for that matter...but i fail to see why some should be punished for firing a couple shots to kill one man while others do the same to thousands in order to maybe kill one man for political reasons.
and yes, i do think saddam needed to go (although there are plenty of western corporations that had quite a nice business going with him)...i think a lot of leaders around the world probably need to go, not all of them governing lands that most americans would struggle to know anything about...but i really can't think of an effective way to accomplish that without more suffering...maybe it is just part of the course of history...but that is too depressing...we should be able to do something...but what?
the other night a friend asked me who i was, because i was not the person she knew...well...she's right, i'm not the person she knew. i am just figuring it out if i seem strange to you...well, i am.
what does it mean to be so sad?
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