Just some kid from the Chicago suburbs that moved to the southwest, went to law school, and ended up confronted with shifting ideals. My thoughts...boring and unedited.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

GOP slight of hand, thinning the ranks, murder and lies, and paying for our health...

as the right-wing gasbags heat up to sooth THE right-wing gasbag during the confirmation hearings with ridiculously misinformed, ignorant, or outright knowing lies about "activist" judges (i.e. judges that are not insanely conservative and - preferably - white men) attention is diverted from the true "activist" judges now running the supreme court that are about to overturn a 100 year old law that now serves as the last roadblock to complete and overt corporate takeover of elections. (side note - I am mildly amused to see the democrats rhetoric against qualified candidates coming back to bite them in the ass...just do it the old-fashioned way, the way the GOP has been, pack the fucking courts, make the supreme court 11...and find young lefties to fill the seats). never mind that the feigned horror at policy from the appellate courts (cough cough thurgood marshall cough cough) and judges "making" law (cough cough anglo-american common law jurisprudence cough cough) - unbeknownst to the general public, the supremes have agreed to hear a case concerning corporations activities in federal elections. and they aren't just applying the law to the case before them (i.e. the supposed GOP "ideal" judicial standard)...they are going well past that and are looking at whether limitations on corporate involvement in federal elections is constitutional (an issue not even raised by the parties in the lower courts...activism at its finest). and so, with right-wing nutjobs holding down the fort...we are likely to see over 100 years of law and decades of precedent overturned by "conservative" judges that have no problem with "activism" provided it is in favor of corporations and their profits. you thought Big Business ran the show now? wait until the next round of elections...joe q. public is about to become a footnote.

once again bills are being introduced to repeal "don't ask don't tell" - quite possibly one of the most idiotic policies ever enacted (perhaps if monica had testicles instead of breasts we would have been spared from this foolishness). in the meantime, it does not look like the big brass have been instructed to slow roll the effects of this gay-fearing idiocy. so far in 2009 alone, 100 service members have been dumped because when they go home they go home to the wrong sex. in the past, the purging of those scary gays has cost us more than a few arabic-proficient persons (oops). now, with the military stretched to its limit and recruitment suffering we are throwing people out because they consentually fuck the wrong the genital region. and the nay sayers are still clinging to their "morale" argument...which if you ask me, is a knock on our military. it necessarily implies that they can't do their job if the guy next to them has silk panties on under his fatigues. maybe I'm just confused because I always thought our soldiers were professionals...

turns out the CIA was hiding shit from congress. big surprise. and it turns out that the shit it was hiding from congress violated international and military law. big surprise. and it turns out that dick cheney wanted to keep information from congress, all eight members that are on the "know" list. big surprise. if congress really had any balls they would yank the plug on CIA funding. afterall...congress holds the purse strings and it is their trump card over every other branch. and yes, the CIA could just keep itself running through selling even more arms and drugs. but at least congress would try something more than posturing.

they are going to fuck up health care because they are claiming they can't figure out how to pay for it. what they really mean is that there is no way in hell they want to piss off their campaign contributors - the uber-wealthy and corporations (especially since corporations are about to get free-reign in elections). the highest tax bracket in this country used to be about 90%...and this during the largest and longest sustained and equal economic growth in the history of mankind. and I could be wrong, but the wealthy were still doing pretty well during the post-war period. the corporate tax rate? during that boom the highest bracket was consistently at or above 50%...and corporations were still doing pretty good. so there you go. there is your fucking money. now make it happen.

I dreamed about you for twenty-nine years before I met you...


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