Just some kid from the Chicago suburbs that moved to the southwest, went to law school, and ended up confronted with shifting ideals. My thoughts...boring and unedited.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

burque I love you, but you're dragging me down...

on one of the morning shows that all blend together as the same sham journalistic ventures there was an attorney representing that mother accused of killing her pretty little daughter and wrapping her in a carpet (for the life of me I can't remember her name...but that comforts me). she had with her a forensic pathologist (ignore that forensic pathology is uber voodoo science...somehow it passes muster in the courts...I will never understand how). even though it had nothing to do with nothing the "anchor" (or whatever they call themselves on those morning shows) asked the pathologist about a certain kung fu star found hanging in thailand. why is this still news?

not that I don't care deeply if the death of an old actor was accidental, suicide or murder...I just wonder if maybe a string of right-wing nutjob murders, the implosion of the most powerful country in the middle east that isn't hiding a nuclear arsenal, the AMA and the insurance industry ramping up to make sure that we all die of preventable causes in the future and cops stopping paramedics on the way to drop off a patient at the hospital in a "my dick is bigger contest" might warrant more coverage...that's all.

the gay rights community is pretty fucking pissed off at the obama administration...and rightfully so. apparently they recently filed a brief defending the defense of marriage act and making a rather unsightly comparison of homosexual families to bad touch uncles. and while I share the disgust at the administration for doing next to nothing about gay rights (including refusing to quit enforcing don't ask don't tell...one of the all-time dumbest pieces of legislation ever created) I don't quite understand the shock. he was never very friendly to the gay rights movement...and even for the most liberal of heterosexual men, homosexual men still scare the bejesus out of them.

on that note...I have to chuckle at the crazies that are still crying that we cannot get rid of don't ask don't tell (side note - pbs has a new documentary on it coming out this week) because it will hurt moral, cohesion and combat readiness. I don't know about you, but if I'm stuck in a foxhole and bullets are flying around, I don't give a shit if you are scarlett johanssen in a threesome with briana and jrm...chances are I'm not thinking about sticking my dick in you at the moment. and no matter how gay you are and how utterly spectacular my ass is...I am fairly confident that you are more concerned with survival than anal sex.

unless you're canadian of course...that bit from brain candy still cracks me up...

once again we are hearing the false choice from the insurance industries and the hippocratic-oath ignoring AMA...if you want health care you have to pay more, even in a publically funded option. they point to all these polls which show people aren't willing to pay more in premiums or taxes to ensure access to doctors. nevermind that it has been ingrained in our national identity not to prepare for the unexpected (afterall...when disaster struck eight years ago our supreme leader told us to go buy shit we don't need)...the question is purposefully worded to get the response they desire. it isn't a matter of paying more...never has been. folks like me will likely pay more...but that is because I am horribly underinsured - the reason I am horribly underinsured? thanks to my crushing student debt I can't throw $400 bucks a month to an insurance company. so I, like so many others, just hope I don't get sick. of course, I would gladly pay another hundred bucks a month in taxes if it meant I got actual access to health care.

and in the same token...all those people that don't want to pay more because they are already getting raped by their insurance premiums aren't asked whether they would rather keep more of their money, send none of it to the insurance company, but send a portion of what used to go to the insurance company ceo to expanded medicare. chances are...they are all more than willing to pay less overall for the health care.

not that I think we necessarily need a public option. you want to keep your private insurance companies? fine. treat it like car insurance. you have to have it and regulate the fuck out of what they can charge you. bet health care costs plummet.

apparently some senators are concerned that nominee sotomayor is in a woman's group. concerned enough that she had to defend it and declare how men are involved. are you serious? are you fucking serious? members of the united states senate are worried about a girl's club? apparently the irony is lost on them...

guilty pleasure as of late - I'm a celebrity. the reason? patti blagojevich. she comes across as a nice woman, concerned for her family and more than capable outside of it. she could be anyone you know. and she slams the us attorney...rightfully so. it is so refreshing to have someone saying what everyone in the business knows...they lie, cheat and steal to get a conviction. they are not concerned with justice, they are concerned with adding another pelt to their belt. they squeeze the balls of people that are in a shit ton of trouble until they say anything the government wants to hear. they purposely drag up repeated media coverage and hold press conferences and release evidence that may or may not be admissible in a trial to the public not because they are concerned with "the public's right to know" but because they know it taints the jury pool against an accused. you ever want to find the least ethical slimiest attorneys in your city...forget the creepy guy on the billboard, take a trip to your local DA's office.

speaking of blagojevich...turns out that illinois is just dirty. seriously...even if the man did what they claim, it would put him in the bottom half of corrupt politicians in that state.

homeland security (god that sounds so amusingly commie) puts out a report showing concern about right-wing nutjobs. the right-wing talking heads go nuts. homeland security withdraws the report. right-wing nutjobs commit terroristic acts of murder. discuss.

is anyone else sick of not being able to find actual news? say what you will about fox news, but they accomplished what they set out to do. turn all of reporting into bullshit.

letterman makes a joke about impregnating an underage daughter of palin. the former chair of the republican party in south carolina tells people not to be concerned over an escaped guerrilla because it is probably just one of michelle's relatives. thank god for productive political discourse in this country.

jean-pierre bemba will be tried at the hague. not that you would know. afterall, a former leader facing charges of crimes against humanity doesn't involve a 70 yr old actors genitals in a knot.

a roomful of sorrow...a spoonful of joy...


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