after 29 years you'd think I'd be used to the spin...
maybe its the nyquill and vodka...but the world has my head spinning again...and it is time for a dump...
thomas sowell, another "free"-market-worshipping-milton-friedman-ass-kissing-fool, wrote a column about how horrible it is that obama has indicated he will look to appoint someone with empathy to the highest court. sowell claims this will only take us further and further away from the fabled "rule of law" and towards a court that actually seeks to relieve distress of the downtrodden (I know...shudder the thought). the amusing thing about sowell, and the countless other hacks that are worried about another thurgood marshall showing up on the court...he isn't law trained. he doesn't have a fucking clue what he is talking about. his "expertise" is economics. and amusingly enough, he bought into a theory of economics that has never historically panned out as he believes it always will. so thanks for your insight mr. sowell...but perhaps you should spend your time figuring out why it is that friedman was so drastically wrong.
which also makes me wonder...does sowell and others mocking empathy on the bench realize that a lack of empathy is a sign of pyschopathy?
maine's legislature has approved gay marriage. we've come a long way in my lifetime...when I was first figuring out politics bill clinton was telling me gays were better off in the closet if they were willing to die for my "way of life."
of course there is a bizarre 180 effect...california banning gay marriage while maine and iowa bring it on. huh.
the supremes are looking into whether or not it is unconstitutional to sentence juveniles to life without parole. and before you get pissed and call me "soft on crime"...neither of the cases before the court involve a body. yup...teenagers sent to prison for life without ever killing someone. land of the free indeed.
and while they are sending those kids to prison forever they are sending your money with them. and then they are telling you there is no money to improve your kids' school. but it's worth it...because that scary brown kid from down the street is gone. he was probably a drug dealer anyways.
regardless...I challenge anyone that thinks giving kids life without parole is ok to actually visit a prison and spend some time talking to someone on the line.
I'm told the recession is over. the stock market is being reinflated. and I have to chuckle to myself...because for about 25 years blue collar america has been wondering when the recession is going to end for it.
speaking of chuckling...I get a kick out of Big Business folks telling me that making them pay their fair share of taxes is going to "cripple" the economic recovery in america. because if there is anyone you can count on to make jobs in is the company that has been moving all its operations overseas.
arlen spector swapped sides and then immediately said he would not be a good democrat. but've been around for nearly 30 years as a are the definition of a good democrat. hell, you're practically a clinton.
guess what. the pig flu isn't the end of the world. its the flu. but that doesn't mean we still can't build a wall on the southern border.
tenaha, texas law enforcement officers are in some trouble. they are being sued for highway robbery. seems they took a page out of every other law enforcement agencies book and stopped brown and black people, grabbed their money and "forfeited" it. you'd be amazed at how much law enforcement makes this way.
a bunch of rich fat white guys met in a pizza parlor. see...the republican party is back. they like pizza. they are just like you and me. albeit I can't remember the last time I went to a pizza parlor in a $5,000 suit. not that I wouldn't.
congressional democrats are not giving the administration the money to close least not until there is a "concrete" plan to ship those folks off to some other discreet location. way to go.
ms. california, bless her heart, is not helping her case. granted perez hilton (or whatever the fuck that fool's real name is) is a jackass for slandering her...she doesn't help much by doing naughty photos. mom and dad taught her touching tacos is inappropriate...but apparently they forgot to tell her to keep her ninnies to herself.
is anybody else horrified that we are actually discussing whether or not torture is effective? how did we get past the first question into strategic significance?
a bank in southern california discovered it is cheaper to demolish completed homes in a new development. yup...that's why the free market is so wonderful and I am so glad that we leave important decisions up to the bottom line. tent cities? overpasses becoming overcrowded? who gives a fuck...these perfectly good houses just standing here unoccupied are costing us money...priorities people...
prisons have become our asylums...which has got to be just as cruel, if not more so, as forced commitment. so what the fuck do we do now?
it's cinco de mayo and I have a confession...I hate mexican beer...
I never thought you'd be a junkie cause heroin is so passe...
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