so you think you can tell heaven from hell?
another round of exploring the expanses of my wandering mind...
best. republican. affair. story. ever.
seriously...disappearing to argentina for a (supposedly) secret rendevous with some quote "piece of ass"...utterly brilliant. this tops all. this is better than doing a tap dance in the shitter for some twig and berries. this is better than drunkenly throwing stones at the windows of the interns dorms. this is better than $4,000 romps. this is pure gold. wow.
when it comes to whether or not an affair counts, I have pushed the ocean rule. but the hemisphere rule - that is a whole new level of fun.
wondering how much tax-payer dollars were spent on his love trysts in the past. what with him refusing to take federal dollars so his people could starve.
but maybe the best part of it all...sarah palin seriously is going to be the "best" option for the GOP in 2012. at least the democrats held it pretty much together for a few generations before imploding. the republicans seem to do it with every administration they get.
or maybe the best part is that she is in argentina. what? good ol' american girls aren't good enough for you? if you don't like south carolina girls mr. sanford you can just get out!
was watching the news last night. they called the plan for a public insurance option "controversial." how the fuck do they get away with this? something that is favored by 75 percent of the population is "controversial" now? why didn't we have the "controversial" patriot act when it was being "debated"? what's next? "controversial" constitutional democracy?
in flipping through channels over the weekend looking for updates on happenings in iran I came across geraldo on fox news. he had a guy out at the gathering near columbia university to find a young iranian grad student to put on the air - no doubt for a pep talk and "solidarity" and all the rah ree kick em in the knee bullshit. only the kid didn't capitulate. instead he went on a rant about how it is bullshit for the GOP to turn this into an american political football game and the people of iran don't trust us for shit and mccain is a fucking idiot and obama is doing everything right on the matter. they cut him off. but it made me smile.
the boys were scared of sotomayor's relationship with powerful women. so she quit her group. not sure who I am more embarrassed for.
thomas friedman is still a complete fucking idiot.
the insurance industry has an anti-trust exemption along with major league baseball. (that's right...the insurance industry has a license to break the law and jack up prices on you). tickets for bleacher seats at wrigley are somewhere near the federal deficit this year. nobody can afford insurance. coincidence?
and for "free" market advocates...damn are they scared of competition.
then again, who ever thought it was a good fucking idea to leave your health in the hands of an entity that exists for one sole reason - to turn as much profit as possible. seriously, under the american health care system the folks in charge of providing health care are actually legally required to make as much money for stock-holders as possible or they get sued. and how do they make as much money as possible? deny coverage, over charge, kick out anyone that might remotely need health care. yup...that's a jim dandy of a system.
mr. president and democratic senators, I am well aware that you take pride in bipartisan efforts. but when the other side is telling you that there is no way they will agree to anything that resembles what the vast majority of the population wants...fuck them. step up to the plate for us for once goddamnit. we don't need it to get 70 votes...we need it to get 51. if they want to filibuster...let them eat the political fallout.
they are going to crush the protests in iran for the time being. but man did they overplay their hand. going to be an interesting year over there.
the new mexico attorney general indicted an attorney on corruption charges because some old fucks that weren't paying attention thought he was telling them they could misuse government funds in violation of the documents that they signed. not that he actually told them they could...but they thought it was what he meant. lesson to lawyers in new mexico...don't ever do any work for the government.
don't look now but they are going to wait us out in iraq and just keep fucking with us whenever it is time to leave. thanks g.w. can't say enough about how glad I am for that.
the amusing (if you have a fucked up sense of humor like myself) part of all of it. in the end, the neo cons will have succeeded in creating an iran in iraq while the iranian people will create a stable democracy in iran. not that we will remember that in 20 years.
best stimulus plan for the economy I have heard yet (and yes I am biased)...erase student loan debt. an army of educated persons that can finally take advantage of their earning potential rather than shipping it into the coffers of bonehead banks that can't make any decent decisions. hell, for me alone that would be an extra $7,000 a year spent on goods and services. multiply that by a few and we may be back in business.
some guy was pissed at neighborhood kids for playing in his yard. to remove them he played porn...very loudly. call me old fashioned...but I find this particularly hilarious.
who are these people that are satisfied with their insurance that they are genuinely worried that they would have to swap in their $10,000 a year health insurance with a $5,000 deductable and routine denials of coverage?
thanks to gun nuts the ban on such wonderful hunting tools as AK-47s expired. since then there has been a glut of these weapons flooding into the united states. and now they are popping up in arizona as the cartels move northward. yay for the second amendment.
one of our drones killed a group of people at a funeral for others killed by one of our drones. when war becomes a caricature you know you are fucked up.
you can all rest peacefully tonight. the missing white girl was found.
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